Why is it not compulsory to wear full leather protection while riding?

They do.... or at least, they did on both my CBT and DAS!

HOW MUCH???????!!!!!!!!!
We could almost buy our own ship for that!!

OK, so that's a mere two options, one of which costs more than double what my bike did and really isn't suited to general daily life around a bike. Hell, for that money, I might as well get a flippin' car...!
Seriously, my current kit is all decent solid brands with high safety ratings, all for less than £200 including lid.

You make this kit actual law, the price will double and bikes will become a rich-only pursuit. While that may please a few angry drivers, you really don't want to force the likes of me into a cage given the type of bullying idiots out there on the road...

I think we're on the same side? I agree it should be optional, and only mentioned the airbags as an example of people deciding on their own level of risk. The safest thing to do would be to wear full leathers and an airbag vest, but most people don't do that as they accept the increased risk (whether thats due to the cost or inconvenience etc).

Basically I'd rather live in a city where I see more of this:


and less of this:


For some reason those crazy europeans haven't all been scared to death by health and safety videos.
And all of that is a perfectly good reason why you may choose to protect yourself. But none of that justifies a law. Bear in mind that a law costs a lot of resources to enforce, we need to make sure that the benefit outweighs the cost of it.

Personally, I'd rather the police concentrated on bad driving rather than trying to work out whether the guy on the moped trundling past is wearing government-approved boots.

So how about the treatment of road rash etc. is chargeable if appropriate protection was not worn at the time of the accident? No law forcing them to wear it so brain dead people would still be still free to ride around in shorts and a T-shirt.
How about people who drink pay for diabetes treatment? Or people that have any accident where it's their own fault pay for treatment? Or the idiot that takes a corner wide on his sports bike in full leathers pays for the air ambulance?
you cant compare light nimble scooters to large heavy bikes?

you have one fall on you and you'll know about it:D
Basically I'd rather live in a city where I see more of this:


For some reason those crazy europeans haven't all been scared to death by health and safety videos.

She's obviously stupid, has a death wish with no consideration for her family or the feelings of the emergency service, not to mention a potential massive drain on the health service.


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Cut with the drain on health service... pathetic excuse if there ever was one. Lets see

Fast food
Push bike

The list goes on and on.

I want to ride in mankini at 150mph down the M6 i will, Its not wise, its not pretty and not clever.

Many folk here need to switch to the daily mail and post there.
Cut with the drain on health service... pathetic excuse if there ever was one. Lets see

Fast food
Push bike

The list goes on and on.

I want to ride in mankini at 150mph down the M6 i will, Its not wise, its not pretty and not clever.

Many folk here need to switch to the daily mail and post there.

What so just because there are other things draining the NHS we shouldn't look to try and cut back on others? What a stupid statement to make.

Oh there are other thing that knife crime and rape to deal with so lets not deal with those things and deal with the others instead.

Every drain on the NHS/Police force should be tackled at some point so stating there are other drains so trying to stop this one is pathetic is frankly....pathetic.
Blimey, bit of rage creeping into this thread :p! Belittling people for disagreeing with your point is a little bit GD :/.

More protection is obviously better and people that take risks may choose to do so for a myriad of reasons. Everyone's taken risks with their safety at some point, so let's try not to be too judgemental. Unless you live the perfect life and never drink, smoke, or eat McDonald's, then don't talk about the drain on health services.
Why is it all of a sudden that unless you are a model citizen you are not allowed to state that it is a drain? it is a drain.

I hardly ever drink, I do not smoke and rarely eat junk food, I also hardly ever go to the doctors.

It is a drain on the NHS, it may not be as big of a drain on the NHS as smoking is, or fatty foods but it is still a drain. This thread is about protective gear and the reasonings for wearing it. My reasonings for believing people should wear it have been stated and one of those is the extra stress it will put on the NHS. Fatty's and smokers have nothing to do with this particular discussion so using them to say my opinion is null is just stupid.
Why is it all of a sudden that unless you are a model citizen you are not allowed to state that it is a drain? it is a drain.

I hardly ever drink, I do not smoke and rarely eat junk food, I also hardly ever go to the doctors.

It is a drain on the NHS, it may not be as big of a drain on the NHS as smoking is, or fatty foods but it is still a drain. This thread is about protective gear and the reasonings for wearing it. My reasonings for believing people should wear it have been stated and one of those is the extra stress it will put on the NHS. Fatty's and smokers have nothing to do with this particular discussion so using them to say my opinion is null is just stupid.

Because if you actually wanted to reduce the drain motorcyclists impose on the NHS in a meaningful way, you would be advocating a ban on motorbikes.

It's an inherently dangerous activity. There will always be crashes in which a motorcyclist ends up in hospital, leathers or no leathers.
So now its gone from people over eating, drinking and whatever else to I now have to out right ban motorcycles to warrant having that opinion?
Motorcyclists require the most training of any vehicle group on the roads yet are less difficult to drive than a car. Why is it that an old grandmother is allowed to take a 17y.o. out on the road for the first time with no training whatsoever? Upon completion of just one test you can go and drive anything with no limit (other than your wallet).

I think this all the wrong way round, bikes don't need more legislation, cars do. Perhaps if the next generation of car drivers was taught to use their mirrors, not because "it's what you have to do to pass your test", as I was taught but "if you don't check your mirrors you might kill someone and go to jail or be killed yourself" and other safety stuff then bike fatalities might go down.

Gear could easily be faux legislated through insurance. Have £50 knocked off if you wear suitable gear all the time, (or add £50 for the option to ride in tshirt and shorts). That would be like being charged an extra £50 for the option to not wear a seatbelt. I doubt anyone will take up the offer.
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