Why would police need to know?

had something similar the other night in aberystwyth town centre (no alcohol zone) cos one of my mates was carrying around an open can of beer, the fuzz pulled up, tipped the beer away and took all our details and that was the end of it. my mate says they always take details of whoever they stop/whoever is with they stop then check them when they get back to the station and then destroy the details they took off you. they take your address etc in case they do need to get in touch with you

it seems logical to me if they stop someone to get details of anyone they're with if they've got the chance
I get it all the time. I was walking back from a mates house, no more than 200 yards away when I got stopped. They wanted to know where I was going at 2am dressed in black. I just told them that it was none of their business, and I'd only answer if the told me where they were going at 2am dressed all in black first.

I would have made sure I found a way to lock you up for the night if I was the police officer.
yeah ladz, dont elp da pigs, dey is jst out 2 steel yo drugz and giv u and yo matez speedin ticketz

Or you could act like an adult and help them do their jobs.

You got me all wrong, I love the cops and help them as much as I can. But the bottom line is this - I'm a private person and don't want anyone to know my details. If someone robs me, and I can identify the suspect, that's a different matter...they then have probable cause to ask questions. If they don't have probable cause, then don't tell them anything, it's none of their business who you are. Innocent until proven guilty...
You got me all wrong, I love the cops and help them as much as I can. But the bottom line is this - I'm a private person and don't want anyone to know my details. If someone robs me, and I can identify the suspect, that's a different matter...they then have probable cause to ask questions. If they don't have probable cause, then don't tell them anything, it's none of their business who you are. Innocent until proven guilty...
We aren't living in 1984.
Its simple enough, if they were after Fred Bloggs, Born in say Manchester, & you were also named Fred Bloggs but born in Stoke, then you see why the place of birth is important to them. :)
What I'd like to know though, is when they stopped me during my marathon 200 yard walk from one house to another house why were they sitting in their car parked in a deserted side street doing nothing useful? They saw me come out of one house, say goodbye to my mate and then walk down the street. So what possible crime could I have committed in the space of about 10 car lengths whilst been observed by two coppers sitting in a car.
What I'd like to know though, is when they stopped me during my marathon 200 yard walk from one house to another house why were they sitting in their car parked in a deserted side street doing nothing useful? They saw me come out of one house, say goodbye to my mate and then walk down the street. So what possible crime could I have committed in the space of about 10 car lengths whilst been observed by two coppers sitting in a car.

You left a house in the middle of the night dressed in black, how were they to know whose house it was, where your house was, etc etc? You don't have to have committed a crime for the police to be interested in what you're doing, it was probably as much for your own protection rather than the fact you were going to commit a crime.

Would it have hurt your pride that much to say "I'm just walking home from my mates house" rather than try to be a cocky **** and just end up looking like an idiot?

"not until you tell me what you lot are doing out at night dressed in black?" How about doing their job? Oh wait, they're the police, they do nothing useful, they're just out to get you and find out your personal details for no reason.
Actually, I did say I was going home and pointed out my house. That's when the eyebrow was raised and they started with "oh right, now where are you really going" crap. To which I refused to answer because there's no legal reason for me to do so. Of course they knew I was just going about my normal business, they watched me talking to the house owner for about 10 minutes before I set off, they were sitting in their car just looking at us.

Although I do have to admit that considering I live about 5 mins walk from Stoke police station it's pretty ironic that when we phoned 999 to report that I'd just caught two burglars in my house it took them 4 hours to turn up, and then they only sent a couple of wannabe cops, commonly known as PCSO's.
What I'd like to know though, is when they stopped me during my marathon 200 yard walk from one house to another house why were they sitting in their car parked in a deserted side street doing nothing useful? They saw me come out of one house, say goodbye to my mate and then walk down the street. So what possible crime could I have committed in the space of about 10 car lengths whilst been observed by two coppers sitting in a car.

You could have been sacrificing virgins and doing Satanistic occult practices for all they know. Coppers really hate that kind of thing. :p
... This thread has just made me note that I dont know where in glasgow I was born... If I got stopped I'd just answer the questions though telling them you're not going to tell them anything will just raise alarm bells.
Try watching some Naomi Wolf...


I think I am beginning to understand why government databases are bad things ^^ even if I have done nothing wrong.

I'm sorry, but any video which opens with "911TruthNC.org" is obviously going to be all about fact, right?

And to everyone saying the police don't have a right to know where they are going or where they have been etc, why do you make their lives that bit more difficult? Surely it'd be better to give an answer like "just come from my friends house" rather than going "why don't you tell me what you're doing at 2am in black". Surely that is actually easier?! I mean, why wouldn't you tell them where you have been/going to?
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You can be perfectly civil and state that you would like to know why they want to have your details without coming across as someone with a problem with authority. If they have a good reason then fair enough, otherwise what right have they got to harass you? It isn't being a cocky sod to ask them this, and if you're civil about it then it doesn't come across as such. Those that do take issue are generally the police who are abusing their power, and don't like having to explain themselves. They are the ones with the problem IMO. Not every policeman is like the loveable chaps off the Bill you know.
You can be perfectly civil and state that you would like to know why they want to have your details without coming across as someone with a problem with authority.

Exactly! After I'd answered their initial question perfectly normally I took umbrage with the fact that they decided, even though they'd seen me leave the house, I was somehow lying and up to mischief.
I had a similar thing happen to me.

I was walking around with a mate or two and a cso pulled up and took my details. Then a real copper pulled up and asked for my name etc, but luckily after that he said " i don't think it's him"

damn having a camo jacket! :@
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