If an extension was causing it then it (extensions container) would listed at the top of the Firefox internal usage screenshots posted, but as it doesn't even show in the screenshot view, as it's all the way at the bottom, to me that demonstrates that it's nothing to do with extensions. The extensions I use are not anything that use any meaningful amount of resources anyway so I already knew they were fine before checking the internal reporting.Yes but like i said what's being reported at one moment in time is not necessarily what's being used, as demonstrated with TM showing 22 child processes with 2 windows and 4 tabs.
As for manually releasing memory button, here's before pressing it:
And after:
So a release of about 950MB of memory, which is basically nothing
Edit* I am also sure that during the release of Windows 11, various articles and materials stated that Windows 11 has an improved memory management system that learns usage behaviour and pre-loads most used apps in memory so that they load quicker/perform better. That's where I got that from. I did try finding some sources but there is far too much clutter about general Windows 11 performance to sift through so I just gave up as it's not worth more than a 2 minute check really.
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