Honestly I'm trying to work out why Firefox has seen such a decline.
The browser is good. If anyone takes the latest version for a spin they will see that so I don't think it's a quality issue.
I put it down to brand name and marketing.
A user of a PC still needs to go on the internet to download a third party browser. Google Chrome vs Mozilla Firefox.
It's quite easy to see there why brand name is playing a huge part in this.
If I asked my parents who can't tell a mouse from a keyboard which one of those two products do they recognise they will most surely pick out the Google browser.
Once upon a time Internet Explorer was the only browser in town other than something called Netscape but it was seen as a minority thing, not necessary. IE became dated and even vunerable and especially when an exciting young browser called Firefox arrived on the scene and it became the best thing since sliced bread everyone loved it. Over time though it became slow and had a reputation for being bloated, people kept using it but things could be better. Then a new browser arrived out of nowhere it was seen as being sleek, clean, efficient and gosh darn it sexy and everyone moved to it in droves. It was called Chrome.
Chrome benefited from the off by being clearly designed with a single purpose in mind and with a single vision and by a corporate entity, Firefox on the other hand feels like it grew organically with no single hand at the tiller leading to an inefficient design and poor memory management. Ultimately like IE before it it suffered from appearing to be out of date and behind the times. Also the internet that created it full of mostly full of tech enthusiasts and pioneers has gone replaced by a less tech savvy userbase and big corporate interests with mass brand recognition.
Mozilla panicked and desperately tried to appear modern and relevent with cliche phrases like "Quantum" and radically overhauling the codebase but ended up throwing most of the really useful functionality of plugins out with it that alienated a lot of core users. Things move on they should have realised that.
Theres always been multiple browsers out there but only one that captured the public imagination at any one time I used Opera for a long time and honestly I thought it was great and couldn't understand why more people didn't use it and before people start feeling too sorry for Firefox its last big overhaul before Quantum was a straight rip off of Opera's ideas and even its design I couldn't believe they could be so brazen and get away with it, but they did.
Been using Firefox for long time, always been good
Honestly I'm trying to work out why Firefox has seen such a decline.
The browser is good. If anyone takes the latest version for a spin they will see that so I don't think it's a quality issue.
I put it down to brand name and marketing.
A user of a PC still needs to go on the internet to download a third party browser. Google Chrome vs Mozilla Firefox.
It's quite easy to see there why brand name is playing a huge part in this.
If I asked my parents who can't tell a mouse from a keyboard which one of those two products do they recognise they will most surely pick out the Google browser.
I was a Firefox user before Quantum builds, however after that a lot of my extensions would not work, so I ditched FF for Vivaldi which is really like the old Opera, layout wise and I have never looked back , it has so much customisation and never crashes, just fell in love with Vivaldi, sorry FF you messed things up for a lot of ex-FF users, your lost as they say.
I've been using Vivaldi for a a while but am now giving Firefox another whirl because I've been having trouble with Captchas loading in Vivaldi. All of the extensions I use are working in Firefox although that's not many.