Why YOU think the PC is better for gaming than the 360 and the PS3!

console everytime for me. gazillion times better value for money and much wider range of top quality games.

gfx card manufacturers and im guessing lazy programmers? ruined pc gaming long ago for me. crysis was probably the final straw
PC better for certain types of game play because it has a KB & mouse as default. but as soon as you get a game like GRID the game play aspect is equal as most users will ether plug in a Pad or a wheel.

StreetFighter again a pad or fightstick & joypad with similar Capcom types of game DMC, RE-5, lost planet ect....

Besides the Mouse & KB the only real difference can be the better gfx which does not= better game play most of the time unless some effects are different but the higher frame rate can have a more obvious effect on game play but not always.

And of course I'm leaving out the fancy stuff like Head Tracker, 3D, Multi screen gaming. ect....

And no need to go into the area of using a big HDTV as im typing this on my 50" plasma.

But for care free gaming & value for money at the main hardware level at least the Consoles have no contest.
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PC is deffo best for RTS games.They tend to be horrible to control on consoles.
Apart from that I prefer a control pad.I simply can't use mouse&keyboard for anything else.
One advantage PC does have is that they get DLC for free which console owners tend to have to pay for.
With PC you can completely customize every aspect and tune it to your exact requirements.

Also for FPS Games (which i mainly play) you cant beat a good ol Keyboard and mouse :D

Also (as play mainly FPS online) You can have custom maps, MODS etc all readily available where as with Console the online game play is very static
Oh dear here we go again ................
So true.

Back in 2005 when I moved to the 360 I made a blog list on why I had tired of PC Gaming. I pretty much still stand by that list. However I never foresaw that game development would be much harder from 2005 onwards due to game production expenses on the increase. Gaming overall has suffered hugely with the advent of more powerful GPU's.

I was a PC gaming die-hard but was honest enough to see gaming on it being butchered, and becoming ever more complex with titles needing more and more faffing about just to get the sod to run (e.g HL2 with sound stuttering at launch taking 3 days to fix). I've always hated consoles until the 360 arrived, and I got used to it's controller in just a week. 2009 has seen me use the 360 less and less now because there have hardly been any solid games since GTAIV imo.

As usual when it comes to these threads people tend to forget about the whole fixed hardware advantage (and disadvantage) that consoles vs variable hardware that PC's consist of.
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I always enjoyed my time playing on my pc. I spent 5 or so years continually playing counter-strike, which was good times.

I think the pc is great for stuff like community and all that as its easier to organise every one together and chatting and arranging matches etc over irc or what not. Obviously the addition of a mouse and keyboard for certain games just makes it easier and more accurate but consoles arent exactly that bad off.

Consoles how ever do make things really easy. Especially Live, with party chat etc. I just remember when i first started playing games online on my xbox i was wandered how people in clans properly co-ordinated their efforts and arranged matches and so forth
As mentioned, keyboards + mouse for fps/rts.

Also i prefer the dedicated servers + rentable hosts for online competitive play. In this regard console has a long way to catch up.

If consoles could 'fix' these 2 problems id be happy to switch tho and save a lot of money in the process.

Also the custom maps, competitive mods for tournaments etc are important on the pc for certain games.
I have a decent PC and a console, both in my living room hooked up to my TV. Best of both worlds really. It's just horses for courses imo, some games i'll go for on the console, others i'll go for on the PC.

I guess there are various reasons why i might choose to play on one rather than the other:

Fairly obvious one this - the game is only available on console or on PC. If i wanna play Fable II it's gonna be on the Xbox. If i wanna play Stalker it's got to be on the pc.

It's available on both formats, but maybe the pc version is actually inferior in some way. For example Pro Evo - yes you can mod it on PC and what not, but i just don't find it controls as well. Just something not quite as responsive on PC compared to on the Xbox. So that one thing would outweigh the positives of the PC experience, and i'd plump for the Xbox version.

It's available on all formats but the PC is a better experience in some way. Yeah, it's an old game, but the one that springs to mind right now is GTA: San Andreas which i'm currently re-playing. It's a way better experience on the PC on a big tv, with a gamepad hooked up. Graphics are miles better (particularly the draw distance, which makes a huge difference) and you can use your own music etc.

It's available on both PC and console but i'll want to mod the game in some way. Fallout is the obvious recent one here for me. It's just a no brainer to me that i'll get it on PC. Better gfx + just masses of mods available. I'm really liking the fact that we are now seeing support for gamepads that enable you to control a pc game exactly as you would the console version - and with no setup involved either.Means i can sit on my couch with an Xbox 360 gamepad playing Fallout3 on the pc with all the great mods and the superior gfx. That's just ideal to me.
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Kreeee will not be happy, he dislikes conflict in his realm.

That said. I moved over to consoles while at uni simply because they are more social in that environment. Since moving back home I've upgraded my PC and really dividing my time between the two.

Mouse and keyboard beats any controller though in my mind. But its never a chore to use a pad.

I'm a graphics enthusiast. So when PGR3 came out as a launch title, that sold it to me. Likewise, MGS4 on PS3 sold that to me. Now PC's have accelerated past consoles so I am buying things like Batman and CoD4 MW2 on PC.
I was (am I still?) a graphics whore and always preferred PC to consoles. Until the Xbox 360 came out. I sold my rig and bought a laptop with a modest GPU.

Now I rent all my games for the consoles and buy PC games on Steam. YET, in the almost four years since I've owned an Xbox, I have only completed one game on the PC and that was Half-Life Episode Two. It's probably because of the GPU that can barely reach 30fps in most games that I play on the consoles.

So I'm stuck with a Steam directory full of unplayed titles and no disc games for the Xbox. Talk about stupid or what. I know I could get a £400 PC and plug it in to the HDTV but I really love achievements and trophies! Playing on Windows just seems flat and uninteresting now.
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With PC you can completely customize every aspect and tune it to your exact requirements.

True...Dont like those bushes? You can config them out.

Smoke a bit too thick, stick in some no smoke sprites or play on 16 bit colour.

Flashbang deafening you? bind a stop sound to F3

j/k :D well sort of.

BTW love PC gaming, but I do hate the amount of "configing" that goes on.
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Not upgraded my pc in years, dont see the point, I have a 360 here that plays games fine, I only play TF2 on the pc and I've not played that for months.
Who cares. As long as there are games to play on all systems, whats there to argue about?

Personally, I game more on my pc as games are dirt cheap and the online community is better.

The last console exclusive game I finished was MGS4.
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