Wildstar New MMO (NCSoft and Carbine Studios)

Hmm not sure then, screw it I do need to reformat the machine and have a fresh install. Lucky I have a laptop I can play this on and its all updated! I have no idea what is up. Ive installed the drivers and also even tried running it in the Dx9

I run this in a I7 2600K with a GTX 680 & 16Gb memory and have never had any performance issues (well my g/f may not agree :p)
Starting to think i might move back over to Dominion. Exile are without a doubt awful at PvP.

I without a doubt still win more than I lose, but you got to love this attitude.

I'm not good enough so will go hide with the people who can help me win.

Zero ambition!
Does Wildstar have a monthly fee?
Is the world seamless or does it load every area?
Looking for slow levelling and plenty to explore, is this what Wildstar offers?

No guest pass needed, just found one.
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I without a doubt still win more than I lose, but you got to love this attitude.

I'm not good enough so will go hide with the people who can help me win.

Zero ambition!
Think what you like, still doesnt change the fact that Exile pugs are terrible in comparison to dom. Oh and nice way to be a dick when you don't know the first thing about me or how i play.
Does Wildstar have a monthly fee?
Is the world seamless or does it load every area?
Looking for slow levelling and plenty to explore, is this what Wildstar offers?

Also guest pass welcome, if anyone has one to give.

Wildstar has a monthly fee; I think it's £10. The world is not seamless, but individual regions are very large like WoW's continents. Levelling is painfully slow.
Levelling is painfully slow.

There is no pain in levelling, unless the game is boring? I only wish you could loose xp and levels when dying. Then people would learn where the fun really is!
Thanks. £10 is quite a lot. I wonder how long it will be before it goes FTP, normally about 6 months to a year?
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Hit 50 today and started doing the dailies. Raid attunement process seems quite long, but it will be a while before anyone is ready for it anyway. Going to just do my dailies and start running dungeons from tomorrow, I think I've got semi-decent tanking gear on my engineer but I have no idea how to tank yet!

What do you think of the Engineer? I've been really underwhelmed so far, especially where dps is concerned, just seems so lacking.
Tbh I dont think this will go F2P any time soon, as long as they keep the content coming this will stay around for a long time I think. It already has a lot to offer at the end game but I cannot comment on this because I am no where near it!
I only wish you could loose xp and levels when dying. Then people would learn where the fun really is!

I don't. So many of my deaths were because of poor game design, e.g. <30 second respawn times in a cramped cave.

What do you think of the Engineer? I've been really underwhelmed so far, especially where dps is concerned, just seems so lacking.

I'm not sure to be honest, as a tank I like it because I can stand far back while still keeping aggro, which helps when you need to stand out of telegraphs etc. I definitely found DPS a bit slow when levelling and I imagine it's similar at end-game... it feels a bit of an "in between" class like Shamans used to be in vanilla WoW.
I don't see this game going F2P anytime soon either. It's £8.99 per month (cheaper if you pay in 3, 6 or 12 month blocks) and as long as they keep regular content updates coming, and it remains fun, then it's definitely good value for money.

There is a new zone planned for a month or so after release, if they deliver then they are starting well!

And yeah, you can pay for your sub with in game currency, so if you have the time to play enough you don't ever need to pay for it.

Starting to think i might move back over to Dominion. Exile are without a doubt awful at PvP.

I never understand why people say things like this, surely there is a random spread of players of varying ability across both factions? Especially with a sample size as large as a popular MMO's.

I mean yeah, on the individual level you might experience more wins with Dominion than Exiles, but overall across all games being played it will average out.

I have toons on both factions and have definitely won more games with Exiles, but this doesn't lead me to conclude that Exiles always win. I realise the number of games I play personally is a drop in the ocean compared to the total.

Not having a go mate, nothing to do with me if you switch sides, just think its a silly thing to say! :p
I think I saw somewhere that the population spread was something like 35% Exiles and 65% Dominion (though I may have dreamt that, anyone got any populations stats?)

This leads to one of the following outcomes depending on how lucky/unlucky you get -
Dominion - You'll have more people to play with, but a wider spread of skill levels meaning that there will be a larger pool of 'lower-skilled' people and you will blame that on losses.
Exile - A smaller population means that you'll get grouped with the same people a lot more often. If those people are generally bad, then you can blame it on always getting grouped with the same 'bads'


For me PVP isn't really where the fun is at primarily, it's more of a distraction at the end of a good quest grind for levels and I'll bust out maybe 1 or 2 games.
I'm in it for the PvE content, though I did roll on a PvP server because the ganking can turn out to be brilliant fun so didn't want to rule that out :)
Still, even with more players on one faction, the spread of skill levels on both sides should be fairly even.

Say you have 1500 bad players, 1000 medium and 500 good on one faction and 750 bad, 500 medium and 250 good on the other, in total. In any one PvP battleground, out of your 10 players you will get a similar chance of each ability level on each side.

So population imbalance doesn't really matter when your only selecting a small sample out of a larger group.

Obviously very over simplified, and I'm at work so probably not explained very well, but the balance should work out pretty close. This is for random PuG's though through the group finder, there very well may be more organised groups on one faction than the other, but we were talking about PuG's.
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