Wildstar New MMO (NCSoft and Carbine Studios)

I've settled into ravenous dominion side, currently lvl 32 playing solo.
Started to get ganked a lot now during the neutral zones but i've accepted this,
as i chosen a pvp realm.

About my rig, got all the settings upto max with my sli set up, getting anything bettween 35ms on avg and 30-90fps depending on where i am(liking this).

Sometimes getting drops to 1 fps - don't know how this is happening.

Overall impression is, totally liking this game,

feel free to add me in game;

boominhaven - engineer/explorer
I feel as though my AddOns are destroying my FPS but can't narrow it down to a particular one, although I haven't really tried. My game was very jittery in an adventure yesterday and disabling BijiPlates seemed to sort it out.
Hi Gents,

I have read quite abit about this and it sounds great. Is there a trial system in place at the moment? If so does anyone know how to get access to it? :)

Started off on an RP server playing Dominion. I guess no one likes RP serves because I have met no more than 8 people after playing for a couple of hours. Just got to the end of the second area.
Think what you like, still doesnt change the fact that Exile pugs are terrible in comparison to dom. Oh and nice way to be a dick when you don't know the first thing about me or how i play.

You right I have no idea how you play but from your comment that you rather join what you perceive as the winning side, rather have to put in some work to be on the winning side tells me more than I need to know.

It’s pretty easy to join something that’s wining and then think you added rather than just work at the players you have and be the winning side.

And although this may come across as a go it was pretty much a general point at people who do this, always jumping ship to what’s easier.
Reminds me a bit of swtor, Sith totally ruled our server in wPvP, till we as a guild started doing it in an organised way, ask them how that ended.

It’s still way too early to say who good or bad, very good chance like in most these games the perceived bad side attract the younger players who have way more time to put in so there is a gear difference, let’s see what it’s like in 2 months.

Though saying all that arena PvP is not really my thing, I do a lot of it, but it’s not something I organise or lead.

Here’s a thought we have around 50 in the guild, why not start trying to sort a team, and get them to play as a team, you would soon be winning all your matches, I would be happy to join as a team member.
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