Wildstar New MMO (NCSoft and Carbine Studios)

No you dont, there is no kind of offline leveling in lotro, whilst in AoC, you gain noe level per 4 real life days, but they were in place before the game went F2P.

I think he means the rested xp bonus you get in LOTRO, which is essentially accelerated levelling compared to the F2P players.

He never mentioned offline levelling Utnac, just rest xp.
He never mentioned offline levelling Utnac, just rest xp.

Yes he did. He said you gain experience while your characters are offline. They don't gain experience. You get a bonus multiplier (rested bonus) for experience when you next start playing. You don't gain 1 single experience point while offline.

In AoC and Lotro you gain experience while your characters are offline as a subscriber, but not as a FTP player.
I wish people should have given SWTOR a lil more time and money to improve. was such a promising game until it started losing subs in the early stages
I wish people should have given SWTOR a lil more time and money to improve. was such a promising game until it started losing subs in the early stages

Promises that weren't kept, or finished.
I really want to go back and play ROTHC but I know I'll end up frustrated not being able to find a like minded and equal playstyle hardcore guild/pvp buddy team, broken classes, story that may not be as big as the stock game and shoddy world pvp and unbalanced servers. Seriously when I was on Niman, despite the best efforts of a few people here to rally the troops in world pvp, you wonder why people even picked the server on the republic when half the time it was just void of anyone wanting to pvp.

Promises that weren't kept, or finished.
I really want to go back and play ROTHC but I know I'll end up frustrated not being able to find a like minded and equal playstyle hardcore guild/pvp buddy team, broken classes, story that may not be as big as the stock game and shoddy world pvp and unbalanced servers. Seriously when I was on Niman, despite the best efforts of a few people here to rally the troops in world pvp, you wonder why people even picked the server on the republic when half the time it was just void of anyone wanting to pvp.


When they merged the servers things was great. PvP i always thought was quite balanced but your right when you say world pvp was some what slacking. Also coming from Warcraft i expected more from the PVE raiding/operations. They didnt feel smooth enough if that makes any sense

Though this game was my best leveling experiance ever, Loved the storylines
Me too, but I quit about a month after finishing the story/clearing first raid NM/pvping to death and pre-merge. I guess I play too much :D
I wish people should have given SWTOR a lil more time and money to improve. was such a promising game until it started losing subs in the early stages

They had all the time in the world, They had all the money, It was abig budget game which turned out to be a pile of turd for me & many others I know, It even put off the 2 biggest star wars fans I know :E

The story lines were boring, It might as well have been a single player game when it was released.

Not to mention the god awful engine they decided to use.
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They had all the time in the world, They had all the money, It was abig budget game which turned out to be a pile of turd for me & many others I know, It even put off the 2 biggest star wars fans I know :E

The story lines were boring, It might as well have been a single player game when it was released.

Not to mention the god awful engine they decided to use.

Which still runs like crap to this day.
Eve online only had 350,000 subs at the end of 2010, so no that is hardly a great success either
lol, EVE Online, the MMO that has been running for longer than WOW...

Ask CCP whether they think it was a success.

On topic though, I signed up for beta, they are doing a lot of stuff... It could work out well, but I don't see it =/
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From what I've read they seem to be making the same old mistakes MMOs make which ruin, absolutely and utterly ruin PVP. In that you use your pve gear for it, at least to start with and then earn PVP gear. Instead of it being a fight about pure skill.

But I guess it brings in more players who like to earn things and get ahead of others, I remember when this last happened but the opposing side simply won by pure numbers, at least 2:1 but more often than not 3:1 (you could actually see how many online on each side) and in the rare cases, 13.33*:1. What happened next is one faction earned ridiculous rewards and the other couldn't even catch up. It absolutely killed world pvp for one faction, I'm not oveprlaying it either, it just died in the span of a fortnight. This is what happens when you have fixed servers with instancing instead of continental servers with instancing, it means you have a larger pool of people to play with and avoids the inevitable server merging.

Gear and skill based PVP just asks for trouble it just means those with equal skill and gear beat those with skill alone, let alone the myriad of MMOs who after even a decade still cannot balance their classes so adopt the "well lets just rotate which class is going to be op over the next" flavour of the month style.I'm looking forward to the game but also annoyed their just repeating quite obvious failures other MMOs have taken on and really don't work. But people will play it regardless, usually those who are in the advantage scale.
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They are about 5 Weeks into beta now and have announced that CB2 is starting soon and they will also be doing a stress test soon aiming for late 2013 release.

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