Will Smith hits Chris Rock on Oscars stage

I can see why people thought it was a staged slap. I mean, a grown man slapping another man...

Didn't his wife cheat on him and he stayed with her? I think sadly Will as become a very insecure person and now he feels he has to over compensate.

It shows how it doesn't matter how high you are in society you can still feel lonely.

I'd imagine he got a telling off from his wife too, for trying to be the Alpha male.
Wonder if he would have slapped Chris Rock if he cracked a joke about his wife sleeping with dudes as young as his son. Bit strange as was Smith laughing at the joke at the time?
Being in a wheelchair is a significant change to someone's life. That is in no way comparable to the loss of hair. Something that people frequently do by choice!
Why is it OK for men to lose their hair but not women?
It is common for men. I am bald. I started to lose my hair years ago so I chose to embrace it. It's not much of a big deal for men because it's quite common for us.

But when my daughters hair started falling out it devastated her because is rare for young women to experience the threat of baldness. Luckily it stopped falling out and, while it never returned to the thick head of hair she once had, it isn't as bad as she was worried about. But for a while it was emotionally devastating.

For most people, male pattern baldness is very emotionally different to loss of hair for women.
because bald men look sexy as **** whereas bald women look minging? :p

Depends on the woman, plus they have tons of options for wigs, weaves etc. Black women in general seem to wear some kind of wig or weave, so not sure why this is such an issue.
Do we live in a different world to those that appear on televisions as according to the utter rubbish said by presenters and their ‘expert’ guests world war three broke out at the Oscars rather than the rather girly slap that looked utterly faked? Still it was bad enough for Susanna Reid to get up on her high horse, what an annoying woman she is.

Surely the first reaction would be to raised a hand to the slapped cheek I know I did when my late wife had me across her knees, oops I have gone off topic. :D:D
Someone else has brought up your contradictions, maybe have a bit more self-awareness.
Perhaps you could help me out here, and help out your own argument, by stating what you feel are my contradictory statements? Or can't you be bothered?
Wonder if he would have slapped Chris Rock if he cracked a joke about his wife sleeping with dudes as young as his son. Bit strange as was Smith laughing at the joke at the time?

Probably got "the look" from old slaphead and had to be seen to do something about it, otherwise he would be bottom in the bedroom later that night. :p Though I suspect he's commonly in the position.
Depends on the woman, plus they have tons of options for wigs, weaves etc. Black women in general seem to wear some kind of wig or weave, so not sure why this is such an issue.
does it **** depend on the woman.....they can wear whatever they want on their head, they are still minging when it comes off :p
Perhaps you could help me out here, and help out your own argument, by stating what you feel are my contradictory statements? Or can't you be bothered?

You posted earlier that insulting someones mother is just banter but yet you draw the line at insults thrown at your wife. You don't see that as a contradiction?
You posted earlier that insulting someones mother is just banter but yet you draw the line at insults thrown at your wife. You don't see that as a contradiction?
No that's not what I said. I was agreeing that the line was mocking someone's illness. Please go back and re-read it. You have made incorrect assumptions on what is being said.
To be clear, this wasn't defending someone from physical danger, it was simple retaliation. I like Will Smith, he is a great actor and seemed like a decent guy, but this was out of line. It also highlighted the insane double standards at play in the US media. Anti war, anti violence yet a man struck another man over a (poor) joke and gets celebrated with an ovation 30 minutes later.
Yup kids watching the awards will see that and think because Will Smith did it, violence is OK to use in light of a damn joke, a thing that comics do all the time. No wonder comedians have had enough of all this noise the last few years.
This was totally unacceptable. For years now we expect the comedian hosting the show to make so pretty cutting jokes about current affairs and the actors in the room. The more famous you are, the bigger the target, it’s the price of fame. Are we forgetting Ricky Gervais performance, frontpage news, excellent publicity for the Oscars. The people being targeted have to expect this, its light hearted in as much as, there is no malice in it. These actors must receive far worse on social media every day from people that probably genuinely have a hatred for them. So when a comedian standing up there doing his job makes a joke about you, sure it might be offensive, but be a good sport and “act” (its your job) amused, you know he doesn’t mean it, it’s a joke.

Smith obviously isn’t playing with a full deck and nor is that woman who seems to have a massive chip on her shoulder. She came out in 2020 and told the world about the issue, its not like it was a secret, or something that’s happened recently so you expect her to be comfortable with it being public knowledge or she would have kept it quite and covered it up. Shes also not dying, in the grand scheme of things it’s a pretty minor issue. Did she loose her hair from chemo? No.

I could almost understand taking offence if the comedian was known for controversy, someone like Franky Boyle or who ever the American equivalent may be but Chris Rock seems to be a genuinely nice bloke, he started poor and has become very successful. In his shows he speaks a lot of sense and spends a lot of time making fun of himself.

All I think this really shows is how dumb and easily manipulated Will Smith is, also just because someone’s in a suit, doesn’t make them a gentleman, it seems some people are barely out of the caveman mentality of “I don’t like that thing, must smash it”.

All of you saying “if he said that about my wife I’d hit him” get a grip, problems might be solved that way on your council estate but the rest of us have grown up a little since then. You should be able to tell the difference between a comedian making a joke and someone taking the mick with real malice.
To be clear, this wasn't defending someone from physical danger, it was simple retaliation. I like Will Smith, he is a great actor and seemed like a decent guy, but this was out of line. It also highlighted the insane double standards at play in the US media. Anti war, anti violence yet a man struck another man over a (poor) joke and gets celebrated with an ovation 30 minutes later.

Indeed, and oddly lots of people who have rallied against ‘toxic masculinity’ now seem happy to defend and champion Smith. Bizarre double standards.
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