Will Smith hits Chris Rock on Oscars stage

:cry: You are really struggling to keep your little argument together using outlandish comparisons. So now alopecia is on par with conditions that can be life threatening like skin cancer. Again, give your head a wobble.

Consider yourself on ignore mode, if I wanted to be drenched in gallons of bs I'd go watch an apple press conference. :p
I was going to leave it but I'm quite enjoying the chat.

So you are saying as long as the cosmetic condition is non-life threatening AND received after birth it is all good?

And to make sure GreatAuk is feeling the love - I'll add "and can afford to cover it up".

So rich folk with burns from acid attacks who can afford make up - fair game. Got it.
But what actually is the difference? Is it because she's a woman and therefore any jokes based on her appearance are completely off limits, or is it because we're assuming she feels more insecure about her hair than a man who had surgery and pays someone to do a massive combover on him every day?

I guess Chris Rock should be more open to jokes being made about him as a comedian who makes jokes about other people, but politician, comedian, and actress are all pretty public facing roles with elements of entertainment in what they do.

It's because Will feels insecure and is trying to find his manhood.
No one knows how they deal with her condition or how much it has bothered her. Rock made a stupid joke and deservedly got a slap.

Rock should perhaps watch the documentary "Good hair" about:

Wait...he doesnt have to because he wrote it. Guys an idiot.

He literally gave her a compliment about it...

He said, in a joke way, that you look like the hot character from g I Jane.

So we don't offend anyone, are we allowed to even talk about the hair? Or is that off limits too. Yeesh.
He literally gave her a compliment about it...

He said, in a joke way, that you look like the hot character from g I Jane.

So we don't offend anyone, are we allowed to even talk about the hair? Or is that off limits too. Yeesh.

No he wasn’t he was taking the ****.
Alopecia, the well known medical condition with the horrific symptoms of.... Having to wear a wig if you want a full head of hair.

Could argue no one should make any jokes at all about anyone's physical features, but considering not many people seem to care about jokes about people based on them being short / tall, weedy / muscled, hair colour, complexion (for white people only) etc, treating alopecia as a 'medical condition' which people deserve violence for even joking about just doesn't make sense.

I get that it's more sensitive for women, but no one was defending Trump from the torrent of jokes made about his toupe, let alone claiming he'd be justified in smacking anyone making those jokes.

Ironic that he did beat Ivanka when she made fun of him after his surgery on his hair.
do you really believe that he was giving her a compliment?
yes. i think when someones fugly, has terrible whatever, to the point that you can't joke with them about it, then that's bad to joke about it, but it's worse for the person as they will know it is a subject that's being avoided. it's like when someone is badly scared and everyone looks away and can't bring themselves to look at them. this makes the person scared feel much worse, that i'm sure they'd rather someone make a comment about it to show it's not that big of a deal.

when jada said, publically, "all you can do is laugh about it now", and she said "she has accepted the fact that she has this condition", chris rock has said, "it's not that bad that we can't make a light joke about how you look like someone who is incredibly hot now. we can move past it, stop tip toeing around the elephant in the room and help you realise it's nothing to be ashamed of. you're a strong woman who is confident and can take the joke, and the joke i said with no malice. the intent is to say, hey, you're alright, so alright we can joke about it as it's not a big deal, it's not past the line."
I was going to leave it but I'm quite enjoying the chat.

So you are saying as long as the cosmetic condition is non-life threatening AND received after birth it is all good?

And to make sure GreatAuk is feeling the love - I'll add "and can afford to cover it up".
Appreciated <3

So rich folk with burns from acid attacks who can afford make up - fair game. Got it.
I think the problem with where you're going with this argument is you're trying to get a black and white 'this is ok' and 'that is not ok' based on ever more specific categorisation of a physical characteristic with zero context.

Although context and the nature of the joke itself comes into it, in general I think it's reasonable to think that you're more likely to land a joke on the right side of the line in some circumstances. Eg cancer is much less likely to be funny than someone's hair going grey. Joking about a rich person having a crap car is more likely to be funny than a poor person who can't afford anything else. Doesn't mean jokes about either topic are automatically 'ok' or 'not ok', depends on context and the specific joke made.

On some level no joke except wordplay and knock knock jokes are 'ok' because you could say that if you told it in a certain context then someone might feel bad because of it.

In the real world you can't make such categorical judgements. Eg do jokes told on the last leg have the potential to offend some disabled people? Yes. Does that automatically mean they aren't OK? No, in my opinion. You may have a different opinion, but then humour is subjective.

In this context, of a comedian making a joke about a multimillionaire actress resembling another multimillionaire actress in a film because of her hair style (noting that her options for natural hair styles were reduced by hair loss, and also that she seemed to be pretty confident about her hair style) at an awards ceremony, I just don't think it was actually that bad. Doesn't mean it was a good joke, I just don't think it was that far over the line, if it was over the line.

I can't remember where you stand on Will assaulting Chris over it, but I certainly don't think that was in any way justified.
yes. i think when someones fugly, has terrible whatever, to the point that you can't joke with them about it, then that's bad and worse for the person as they will know it.

when jada said, publically, "all you can do is laugh about it now", and she said "she has accepted the fact that she has this condition", chris rock has said, "it's not that bad that we can't make a light joke about how you look like someone who is incredibly hot now. we can move past it, stop tip toeing around the elephant in the room and help you realise it's nothing to be ashamed of. you're a strong woman who is confident and can take the joke, and the joke i said with no malice. the intent is to say, hey, you're alright, so alright we can joke about it as it's not a big deal, it's not past the line."
i get and appreciate your point but i don't for one second believe CR was trying to pay her a compliment. i don't think he was trying to belittle her either, he was simply telling a crap joke.
There's a world of difference between somebody saying all they can do is laugh at a condition they suffer with, and other people laughing at them. If you don't understand that, then congratulations, you've not suffered it. yet.
everyone and their grandmama is talking about a slap
i get and appreciate your point but i don't for one second believe CR was trying to pay her a compliment. i don't think he was trying to belittle her either, he was simply telling a crap joke.
sure perhaps you're right. i'd say his intention wasn't to compliment, but it was one at the end of the day.

will smiths intention wasn't to be a stupid idiot on stage and embarrass and make things worse by drawing much greater attention to his wives condition, but it was that at the end of the day.
I have directly quoted your question to me and explained the answers I gave. You have shown the question you thought you asked was not the question you actually asked. I have not back pedalled and have replied to each of your questions but you are now trying to save face.

You seem to be the only one struggling. Literally the only one.

I'll make it very clear and succinct. Why is it OK to mock a man for baldness, but not a woman?
I don't think anyone in their right mind would do what Smith did, it was either a set up or the bloke has serious issues and should not be allowed out.
Presumably in general he doesn't go around slapping people who annoy him so it has to be a set up. Crazy and pathetic if true, but unsurprising.
sure perhaps you're right. i'd say his intention wasn't to compliment, but it was one at the end of the day.

will smiths intention wasn't to be a stupid idiot on stage and embarrass and make things worse by drawing much greater attention to his wives condition, but it was that at the end of the day.
Wait, he has another wife? :eek: plot thickens
I don't think anyone in their right mind would do what Smith did, it was either a set up or the bloke has serious issues and should not be allowed out.
Presumably in general he doesn't go around slapping people who annoy him so it has to be a set up. Crazy and pathetic if true, but unsurprising.
There's a video of him slapping a pap so it isn't unprecedented :cry:
I guess that's what killing aliens does to you.
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