It depends, did they become politicians in the womb?What about all the satirical illustrators that post in newspapers near every day with unflattering mockery of characteristics of politicians?
I mean, it's not very nice, but it's nowhere near as bad as making a joke about someone who can't afford to cover it up if they felt like it. And in the context of a comedian making jokes at a celebrity awards ceremony sometimes there might be some jokes that get close to the line, and to be honest I'm not even sure it was properly 'making fun of her', just making a bad taste lighthearted comment about her resembling a good looking actress in a film from 20 years ago. Would be more insulting if it was a role played by someone that everyone thought was an ugly mofo like Danny Devito (and yes, that's a mean thing to say too but that's basically his character), but as far as I'm aware that wasn't the case.So you can make fun of folk if they can afford to cover it up?![]()
Since when was Jada Pinkett Smith an actor from the womb?It depends, did they become politicians in the womb?
GOT IT. So you are saying it is not fair to joke about issue that occur in the womb, but "cosmetic conditions" acquired post birth are OK - moles, cysts, burns, skin cancer etc.
stop being so silly dude.It depends, did they become politicians in the womb?
Trump chooses to have a ridiculous hairstyle and spray himself orange. Fair game....particularly as he's fond of publicly mocking disabled people.
Ah OK, I thought it was actually a hairpiece! In that context it still seems like a similar thing to make fun of, the only difference being that most people dislike Trump more than Jada so are less likely to feel bad for him, and being a man it's slightly less sensitive (although must be somewhat sensitive for him given he went to the trouble of having surgery and having his hair done every day to cover it up).Trump doesn't have a wig, that's his natural hair. People were joking about it because it looks like a wig from certain angles.
Trump's hair looks weird because he has scarring on his head from the scalp reduction surgery he received in 1989. That's why his hair is heavily styled to drape over his head.
Trump doesn't have a wig, that's his natural hair. People were joking about it because it looks like a wig from certain angles.
Trump's hair looks weird because he has scarring on his head from the scalp reduction surgery he received in 1989. That's why his hair is heavily styled to drape over his head.
Apparently traction alopecia is highly prevalent in black women due to their tight hair styles, braiding and chemicals used from a young age. There are a huge amount of articles on it. I found out about it years ago when I was dating a black woman and there was a joke about it on Family Guy and I asked her why it was. She explained and also told me that her mum wanted her to get tight braids etc from a young age but her grandma put a stop to it because of both her grandma and mother both suffered from it and wore wigs/weaves from in their late 20s/early 30s. Have you never wondered why there are quite a few wig shops in most major cities that are predominantly frequented by black women?
It is an obsession with some groups like BLM to constantly bring race into everything.
But not this? Are we so out of touch?
you play the part of poirot really wellAnyway I think this was a publicity stunt, no man would be dumb enough to do that let alone get away with it.
the only difference being that most people dislike Trump more than Jada so are less likely to feel bad for him
I have black female mates and some wear wigs because its easier/cheaper than getting their hair straightened/styled. Black hair isn't the easiest unless you just go short or an afro. I have heard that tying it tight can cause hair loss and it makes sense.
you're shooting from every barrel today aren't you.You would have to bring race into it.
i'd hope that for anyone, irrespective what their wife looks likeI only hope he doesn't go to a Michael MacIntyre gig![]()
Anyway I think this was a publicity stunt, no man would be dumb enough to do that let alone get away with it.
The film focuses on the issue of how Black-American women have perceived their hair and historically styled it. The film explores the current styling industry for black women, images of what is considered acceptable and desirable for Black-American women's hair in the United States, and their relation to Black American culture.[3]
Anyway I think this was a publicity stunt, no man would be dumb enough to do that let alone get away with it.
But what actually is the difference? Is it because she's a woman and therefore any jokes based on her appearance are completely off limits, or is it because we're assuming she feels more insecure about her hair than a man who had surgery and pays someone to do a massive combover on him every day?there is a big difference.
compare making fun of trump to making fun of chris rock. then there's not real difference and both fair game.