Will Smith hits Chris Rock on Oscars stage

Smith’s mental state doesn’t seem right to me since all that business with his wife’s affair. I think the guy needs some therapy before he goes off the rails even more.

Personally, I’d retract his Oscar for that.

Not much chance of that, not long after that moment he got a standing ovation from the audience when he got his oscar. The hypocrisy of the Hollywood celebs eh, they spout all the liberal stuff but then give someone a standing ovation moments after he physically assaulted someone. Pity that Ricky Gervais isnt back to tear them all a new one again golden globes style. I've long thought that Will Smith is a few cards short of a deck anyway but then the whole Smith family is a bit weird, what with their kids believing they can control time and space and Will once saying that he reckoned he is able to perform surgery without any medical training if he wanted. Loopy bunch of oddities that they are.
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Surprised how many people are defending this. It’s clearly wrong whichever way you cut it. You can’t normalise this kind of response.

Will Smith seems mentally unstable if he can’t even regulate his own thoughts/actions on what was a pretty weak joke (even if it was slightly bad taste).
It's pretty insane when a crime is committed in front of millions and yet somehow you can see not get charged with it... What kind of a legal system is that
It's pretty insane when a crime is committed in front of millions and yet somehow you can see not get charged with it... What kind of a legal system is that

If police weren't called then at the time no-one will have been arrested.

This morning there will probably be a meeting with the town's DA as to whether charges will be brought.
I may be wrong but I believe LA is a state where law enforcement can charge an offender even if the victim doesn't report/press charges
What a weird start to the week. The slap look staged and I initially thought where did that come from, only realising about the alopecia later. But Smith was laughing along, and then I found this video about their weird 'Katie Price hanging dirty laundry' relationship....

He deserved that, poor taste joke, especially with them in the room.
A fellow comedian couldn't see the funny side of it? Taking life too seriously and acted unprofessionally, attcking someone over it?
Comedy does push boundaries sometimes but she has a non-serious, non life threatening condition, surely they should have been able to see the funny side?
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Basically Jada gave him the look that said "You're in ****ing trouble for laughing" and he went overboard trying to save himself.

Poor taste joke or not he assaulted someone.
Yeah that's what I thought as well. Looked like he was genuinely laughing at first while his wife looked like murder. I guess either he realised he was in trouble for laughing or was just laughing along as you do sometimes before he'd realised it was a hair loss joke.

Unbelievable he just got away with assaulting someone and was allowed to sit back down and then pick up an award after that though. Will slapped him hard (looked like a good punch until you see the open hand), and was clearly angry and out of control from how he was shouting at Chris afterwards. That was just totally the wrong way to deal with a joke he didn't like. Give him a death state for the rest of the show? Fine. Have a row with him after the show? Fine. Even go up on stage and tell him you thought the joke was out of order and ask him to apologise? Disruptive, but still fine. Assaulting him? Not fine.

I was really surprised to see it though, didn't think that's the kind of person Will Smith was.

What a weird start to the week. The slap look staged and I initially thought where did that come from, only realising about the alopecia later. But Smith was laughing along, and then I found this video about their weird 'Katie Price hanging dirty laundry' relationship....

Wow... Hadn't seen that before, does seem like a really weird relationship they have seeing the interaction there.
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I've watched a youtube series of Smith doing a weight loss thing and he comes across as a bit of a git in real life. Aren't most of these seriously rich Holywood types though.
Even after half reading the articles I didn’t really get the joke when I watched the video, took me a second to realise it was a hair loss joke which I imagine is what happened with Will Smith. The audience is essentially inured to laugh along with whatever jokes are said so it probably took a second to realise what Rock was saying. But yeah, going up and slapping him… just no. Very disappointed in him. Rock is a tool though, always has been.
It's pretty insane when a crime is committed in front of millions and yet somehow you can see not get charged with it... What kind of a legal system is that

Depends on whether or not the victim wants to press charges. If they don't, that's the end of it.
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