Will Smith hits Chris Rock on Oscars stage

Wonder what he would have done if the Rock made that joke?
He open assaulted some on on live TV, cant wait to see him have to deal with zero repercussions for it.
The entire family seem horrible. Used to have time for Will, now I kinda ignore his films.
I'm not sure why people are so shocked. I imagine if you took 100 couples and had someone crack jokes about the wife suffering from alopecia (or any other health condition that caused hair loss) I'm not sure how many husbands would take it all too well.
I've watched a youtube series of Smith doing a weight loss thing and he comes across as a bit of a git in real life. Aren't most of these seriously rich Holywood types though.

Paid millions to be in films, everyone telling you the sun shines out of your arse, people idolising you and hanging on your every word no matter what you say. Nah, I'm sure he is perfectly lovely and well adjusted.

Actors are a weird bunch at every level in my experience let alone the ones that have their egos stroked for decades.
Mocking the dude's wife illness? Deserved a slap, and got one.

Very different if he'd punched him, but a slap is what I'd expect at a minimum if I stood up a cracked jokes about someone's wife's illness...jeez.
That's over the line, he laughed at the joke until he saw her reaction.

He could have heckled back but to go up there and physically assaulted Rock? I know that my initial reaction would be "he deserved that", but he is a comedian, it's a joke and on the grand scheme of things, a light one. It sets a terrible example for all other audiences in stand-up now, are they now all okay to go up and slap the comedian on stage.

This is a reflection on Will's relationship with his wife more than anything.

There is a line, the line isn't "a slap is okay, but just remember not to give him a black eye".

I can't denied that a small part of me felt that is all made up too.
I'm not sure why people are so shocked.
'cause that's all people want to be nowadays - shocked and outraged - and usually on someone elses behalf. People screeching that it's 'assault' and wanting the police involved. He slapped someone, a slap. Big ******* deal.
Will Smith be like....

Basically, Will took the opportunity to be the bad boy that Jada has always wanted him to be.

Just LOL if you don't let other dudes hold your wife like this in public:

Mocking the dude's wife illness? Deserved a slap, and got one.

Very different if he'd punched him, but a slap is what I'd expect at a minimum if I stood up a cracked jokes about someone's wife's illness...jeez.

Exactly. Being a comic doesn't give you a free pass to make a joke about someones health condition. I'd understand the outrage if Jada wasn't suffering from alopecia and just decided to go bald for the style of it, then Will would've been out of pocket. As things stand though, she's dealing with alopecia and isn't one of the unwritten rules of stand up that you don't punch down?

In an ideal world Will would've held it together and not made a scene on stage but it is what it is. I expect most men would do the same if their wife was getting mocked right in front of them. Love is a crazy thing and can make you do even crazier things. Love is not soft.

'cause that's all people want to be nowadays - shocked and outraged - and usually on someone elses behalf. People screeching that it's 'assault' and wanting the police involved. He slapped someone, a slap. Big ******* deal.

As if most wouldn't do the same if it happened to their significant other.
I dunno, I watched the video, he was clearly laughing before Rock cracked the ‘joke’, I’m not sure you can say he was laughing at the joke and the faces of the audience clearly changed a few seconds later.

The ‘joke’ wasn’t even remotely funny and I don’t condone Smiths actions but frankly, Rock can’t really complain about the outcome either. If you said that to someone on the street, a slap would be the least of your worries.

Making a joke about a specific person and their disability has never been cool and never will.

Do you remember when Franky Boil (I think) made a joke about someone’s disability? That went down well, in fact he disappeared from the screens for quite some time as a result.
Lmao asking for his Oscar to be given back is hilarious when they’ll happily give one to an actual nonce in Roman Polanksi. This is nothing compared to what he did.
'cause that's all people want to be nowadays - shocked and outraged - and usually on someone elses behalf. People screeching that it's 'assault' and wanting the police involved. He slapped someone, a slap. Big ******* deal.
I've seen people be knocked out stone cold from a slap when working the doors. It's still assault even if he's not big enough to do any damage.
Accusations that it was staged and Smith didn't make contact have been quashed by the LAPD. They've dusted Rock's face and found traces of the fresh prints.
The line isn't "a slap is fine".

If it is, then I dare anyone go and slap everyone you see on the street. Is it because they didn't insult your wife you can't slap them? No, so is it okay to slap them because they insulted you or your wife? No.

The law doesn't say "you can slap someone if they insult your wife". It's a slippery slope when the line gets grey like that. I know my initial reaction too was "it's a slap, he deserved that" but thinking about it, it's just not right.

But this will be blown over by tomorrow, the world has more important things going on than 2 rich guys having a spat.
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