Will Smith hits Chris Rock on Oscars stage

I'm not sure why people are so shocked. I imagine if you took 100 couples and had someone crack jokes about the wife suffering from alopecia (or any other health condition that caused hair loss) I'm not sure how many husbands would take it all too well.

I might not take it well but I am old enough and mature enough to know that I wouldnt walk up to the person and hit them. At 53, Will Smith really should know better that the response to a comedian on stage cracking a joke at the expense of another isnt to go and smack them in the face. If it was, Al Murray, Stewart Lee, Micky Flanagan and almost every other comedian on stage would turn into royal rumble contests :D
The line isn't "a slap is fine".

If it is, then I dare anyone go and slap everyone you see on the street. Is it because they didn't insult your wife you can't slap them? No, so is it okay to slap them because they insulted you or your wife? No.

The law doesn't say "you can slap someone if they insult your wife". It's a slippery slope when the line gets grey like that. I know my initial reaction too was "it's a slap, he deserved that" but thinking about it, it's just not right.

But this will be blown over by tomorrow, the world has more important things going on than 2 rich guys having a spat.
Yeah but in the real world there are consequences for insulting someones wifes medical condition.

I know in righteous land things like this are resolved with drawings, letters and potentially even hugs - but go into a working mans club and throw shade on someones family and you'll get slapped. They'll even admit it was wrong.
As if most wouldn't do the same if it happened to their significant other.
ah but the thing is most wouldn't do **** which why they get all bent out of shaped and start screeching about assault.
you know slapping someone is assault/battery right? Your arguing a position that legally is absolutely not supported.
never claimed it once to be supported in law now did i? still stand by what i said. it was a slap. if someone goes to the police trying to press charges for that then they should be laughed out of the station. no one was hurt, there's no short or long term injury. both parties need to kiss and make up and the spineless souls in this thread crying assault can go back to whining at some other wrong doing.
And now the Streisand effect comes into effect.

Will could easily have done his little shout about keeping her name out of rocks mouth, and made rock look like the ass. Now instead will comes across as a emotional baby that has a temper, everyone talks about the joke and jadas hair. More jokes will be made.

Silly mistake on wills part.

To those saying the joke was in poor taste, jada made an instagram post that basically said "all you can do is laugh about it now". Chris rock literally did the lightest of jokes about it, and it was a good one too, and will Smith reacted way over the top. Even Smith admits that.

Prob been said already as I see this joke going around, but apparently it's OK to sleep with wills wife, just not joke about her hair.
ah but the thing is most wouldn't do **** which why they get all bent out of shaped and start screeching about assault.

never claimed it once to be supported in law now did i? still stand by what i said. it was a slap. if someone goes to the police trying to press charges for that then they should be laughed out of the station. no one was hurt, there's no short or long term injury. both parties need to kiss and make up and the spineless souls in this thread crying assault can go back to whining at some other wrong doing.

But are you happy that people come up to freely slap you though? Knowing that the police will laugh at you?
I've seen people be knocked out stone cold from a slap when working the doors. It's still assault even if he's not big enough to do any damage.
yes yes and a slap can also kill, hell ive seen men knocked out cold by a woman swinging a near empty handbag. doesn't change the fact that it was a slap and for all the effort smith put into it not a very powerful one. no one was hurt (other than a bit of pride) it's utterly ridiculous people banging on about police pressing charges for assault.
The line isn't "a slap is fine".

If it is, then I dare anyone go and slap everyone you see on the street. Is it because they didn't insult your wife you can't slap them? No, so is it okay to slap them because they insulted you or your wife? No.

The law doesn't say "you can slap someone if they insult your wife". It's a slippery slope when the line gets grey like that. I know my initial reaction too was "it's a slap, he deserved that" but thinking about it, it's just not right.

But this will be blown over by tomorrow, the world has more important things going on than 2 rich guys having a spat.

A slap is fully deserved and appropriate for cracking jokes about someone's wife's medical condition.

Doesn't mean it isn't illegal, and wouldn't potentially get you in trouble.

Most men with a spine would take their chances with the repercussions. Although I'm not prone to angry outbursts so would give the chump a chance to apologise first.
Yeah but in the real world there are consequences for insulting someones wifes medical condition.

I know in righteous land things like this are resolved with drawings, letters and potentially even hugs - but go into a working mans club and throw shade on someones family and you'll get slapped. They'll even admit it was wrong.
If you have ever been to a working mans club?...They **** that **** ALL the time, the one thing you would get punted for is sucker punching someone you know cant defend themselves, that'll earn ya a hard kicking, but you would be back in next week like nothing happened.
We are talking about a grown ass man that didnt take it well and sucker slapped a man on stage in front of the world cause he couldn't keep his **** together and had to make everything about himself and his terrible awful family.
Interesting timing considering the rumours concerning his wife and a certain young raper.

Should have been resolved off stage, thinking that he can just walk on stage and assault somebody is everything that's wrong with celebrities and modern culture. Does this mean if any minority /or individual gets offended by a comedian now, they have the right to walk on stage and assault them? One rules for them, another for us.

Chris Rock took it like a champ though, fair play. :D
I thought that was staged right up until Wills post slap rant. For me the "joke" definitely crossed the line but so did the reaction to it. Good for viewing figures I guess!
yes yes and a slap can also kill, hell ive seen men knocked out cold by a woman swinging a near empty handbag. doesn't change the fact that it was a slap and for all the effort smith put into it not a very powerful one. no one was hurt (other than a bit of pride) it's utterly ridiculous people banging on about police pressing charges for assault.
At what point does it exactly become assult then?
But are you happy that people come up to freely slap you though? Knowing that the police will laugh at you?
why would someone randomly come up and slap me? but if they did i would defend myself. certainly wouldn't go running to the police. if you're not the sort who's prepared to defend themselves then i can understand you wanting the police to be involved. i just think for someone so minor it's utterly daft.
I thought that was staged right up until Wills post slap rant. For me the "joke" definitely crossed the line but so did the reaction to it. Good for viewing figures I guess!
Probably gone up from the remaining 10 that were still tuned in to 50
Ha probably the only news story from Oscars I've ever looked at. Think I swiped them all away this morning not knowing there was juice available!
A slap is fully deserved and appropriate for cracking jokes about someone's wife's medical condition.

Doesn't mean it isn't illegal, and wouldn't potentially get you in trouble.

Most men with a spine would take their chances with the repercussions. Although I'm not prone to angry outbursts so would give the chump a chance to apologise first.

That's my initial reaction.

Problem is that now the whole world is laughing at Will and his wife. He had the split opportunity to say "Apologise to her right now" and made Rock look like an ass, but instead he went up on stage and now he looks like some guy who laughed at the joke, then got the evils and commited physical assault. (you can keep saying it's a slap, but tell me what I said isn't true.)

Honestly, I have no idea about it all until now, that joke would have gone by 99% people's head, but now the spot light will be on it for days and be meme for ages.
My first reaction was "Will Smith slapped The Rock?? Wow, brave". Then I realised it was only Chris Rock and it made more sense.

While not condoning Will Smith's actions, if you mock a mans wife for her medical problem then this is the risk you take.
Ha probably the only news story from Oscars I've ever looked at. Think I swiped them all away this morning not knowing there was juice available!
That the funny thing, was anyone watching this live when it happened? or as per usual the rest of the world outside of those there do not give one flying F about some token award.
why would someone randomly come up and slap me? but if they did i would defend myself. certainly wouldn't go running to the police. if you're not the sort who's prepared to defend themselves then i can understand you wanting the police to be involved. i just think for someone so minor it's utterly daft.

It's not about WHY, the question here is that you said the police would laugh at you. So the WHY isn't the point, the point is that people can all come and slap you with no consequences, which you openly admit to.
when it's more than a silly, deserved slap that causes actually injury.
Right so you dont know then, cause then you just have a open sprees of anyone anywhere being slapped about. Tell that to abused women etc do you?
If I come up and punch you hard in the face, but your " okay", that means I should face zero consequences form the law then?
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