Win 10, yay or nay?

Don't think I'm in a massive rush, probably wait a few weeks in case there are any issues and for any drivers I might need, but apart from that I can't see any reason not to upgrade, we'll all need to eventually (unless you go down a non-windows route)
Not that it's the same, but I remember the hell I had with Vista when it for first came out for a while (Vista Business was great though - even for gaming!). I'm going to wait for a months until the drivers settle.
I can ALT-TAB out of DIRTY BOMB much quicker than WIN 7 about 2 seconds in win7 its instant in win10. Thumbs up from me so far, apart i cant find anything again.
Dare not touch it until I know Photoshop CC 2015 and Lightroom are ok with it?

It's practically Win 8.1, so if it all works on that you shouldn't have an issue.

Been flawless for me other than Microsoft Edge freezing while trying to play fullscreen video.
I've been browsing around tonight and can't find any up-to-date comparisons of performance between Windows 7 and Windows 10. I've been on Windows 7 for years, have 30 processes running when the computer is booted and it runs super fast and smooth. I wonder if Windows 10 would be even better but looking around it seems that loads of junk is enabled by default which puts me off upgrading.
Win7: Looks better - love aero, love active window shadows
Win10: Looks pants - stupid 'flat' design, hate it

win7 wins
Nay until it's needed for games and bugs are ironed out.
Win 7 64 still for me until there's a good game that uses dx12 etc.
Win7: Looks better - love aero, love active window shadows
Win10: Looks pants - stupid 'flat' design, hate it

win7 wins

I really don't get the flat design to me it looks really ugly compared to just about any OS released since the late 1980s and the UI overall seems haphazard like 3 different teams worked on it without communicating with each other.

Sure bevelled edges, 3D tiles, etc. aren't for everyone but it wasn't by accident that people reskinned just about every OS in existence to have that style. Even on 240 builds the icons look like someone whipped them up in ms paint on their lunch break compared to the shaded, high resolution, 3D look icons on 7.
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Been using it throughout the beta and had few issues really, the 15.7.1 AMD drivers have fixed some CTD issues in older games I was having too
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