I mean the OS is garbage - I'm not just saying it is a crappy product to flame/troll:
-File Explorer looks like the product of "what if we let 1000 monkeys play in Visual Studio" has no nice little quality of life updates like listing currently open folders in a section of the navigation pane for quick drag and drop operations, etc.
-Start menu doesn't even have proper group management features in 2021!!! (I mean even Windows 3.x managed that) never mind it falls woefully short of its potential - it should be fully scalable in a dynamic manner from a simple text menu/dynamic search through to something akin to the Android home screen in menu form or full screen menu for those who prefer that.
-UI and settings and much of that layer in general is still a fragmented mess and just looks like arse aesthetically - I actually find it quite an eye sore after a fairly short time of using it - even Windows 95 has a more complementary look.
-They can't even manage to make a decent store eco-system incorporating legacy programs, etc. under a unified app repository system - just about every other store type system out there takes a huge dump on MS's efforts. In this day and age that should be the go to for everything - not downloading programs randomly off the internet - and definitely not something most people go out of their way to avoid even.
-Forcing new features/changes on people that you have to go all through the motions of setting up just to then disable because no one wants them - related to that all the problems with things not working reliably as intended such as the Welcome to Windows screen not infrequently reappearing on start up even if you've previously gone through it and then unticked it in notifications.
-Not infrequently maintenance and system processes will get busy in the background making things like benchmarking a pain and can cause things like intermittent stutter or audio glitches while you have something else in the foreground like a game.
-Seem to have forgotten that the purpose of an OS is to enable the end user.
-Windows as a service model falls woefully short of what that should be and connected to that is seriously lacking when it comes to a good range of deployment options, modularisation and/or customisation of installed components, etc. depending on what you want to use the OS for.
-Too many aspects of the OS still suffer from a lowest common denominator approach i.e. designed so they'd work on Windows Mobile even when that was to the detriment of the quality of life experience on the desktop, etc. instead of being a best effort implementation for each platform using some kind of abstracted back end for the data underpinning a feature and a different frontend that interprets and presents it in the best way for the platform.
And I could go on and on...
-File Explorer looks like the product of "what if we let 1000 monkeys play in Visual Studio" has no nice little quality of life updates like listing currently open folders in a section of the navigation pane for quick drag and drop operations, etc.
-Start menu doesn't even have proper group management features in 2021!!! (I mean even Windows 3.x managed that) never mind it falls woefully short of its potential - it should be fully scalable in a dynamic manner from a simple text menu/dynamic search through to something akin to the Android home screen in menu form or full screen menu for those who prefer that.
-UI and settings and much of that layer in general is still a fragmented mess and just looks like arse aesthetically - I actually find it quite an eye sore after a fairly short time of using it - even Windows 95 has a more complementary look.
-They can't even manage to make a decent store eco-system incorporating legacy programs, etc. under a unified app repository system - just about every other store type system out there takes a huge dump on MS's efforts. In this day and age that should be the go to for everything - not downloading programs randomly off the internet - and definitely not something most people go out of their way to avoid even.
-Forcing new features/changes on people that you have to go all through the motions of setting up just to then disable because no one wants them - related to that all the problems with things not working reliably as intended such as the Welcome to Windows screen not infrequently reappearing on start up even if you've previously gone through it and then unticked it in notifications.
-Not infrequently maintenance and system processes will get busy in the background making things like benchmarking a pain and can cause things like intermittent stutter or audio glitches while you have something else in the foreground like a game.
-Seem to have forgotten that the purpose of an OS is to enable the end user.
-Windows as a service model falls woefully short of what that should be and connected to that is seriously lacking when it comes to a good range of deployment options, modularisation and/or customisation of installed components, etc. depending on what you want to use the OS for.
-Too many aspects of the OS still suffer from a lowest common denominator approach i.e. designed so they'd work on Windows Mobile even when that was to the detriment of the quality of life experience on the desktop, etc. instead of being a best effort implementation for each platform using some kind of abstracted back end for the data underpinning a feature and a different frontend that interprets and presents it in the best way for the platform.
And I could go on and on...