win 8 was crap

Win8 is still a pig to use

Windows 8.1 the new Marmite

Tried it for a week went back to win 7.


[ ] Unrustled
[X] Rustled
All new and improved to make it more like Windows 7 ;)

Seriously though, for a typical home (web/office/gaming) desktop user are there any advantages in going to 8.1?
All new and improved to make it more like Windows 7 ;)

Seriously though, for a typical home (web/office/gaming) desktop user are there any advantages in going to 8.1?

Faster, more secure and new games and other software coming out will surely be better optimised for Windows 8 than for previous versions.
I refuse to buy Windows 8 purely because of the price. If it was still £25 I'd probably try it, but spending £80 and not getting used to it is such a waste of money.

Posted from Overclockers.co.uk App for Android
All new and improved to make it more like Windows 7 ;)

Seriously though, for a typical home (web/office/gaming) desktop user are there any advantages in going to 8.1?

For typical home use its better, you have a second interface, backup is intergrated, refresh, restart, live account, with live tiles which suits media consumption far better.
It is not one or the other like a certain few try to make out.
For desktop theres a hole load of under the hood improvements.

In every way its better, if you can get over not having a start menu (although there is a kind of start menu and was on win8 as well, right click on start button)

I can see when i have new emails without opening up a webrowser, logging in and manually checking. I can see weather instantly without opening anything up etc. Netflix, audible etc have far better metro apps than the website/desktop app version.
I have split screen, which is great and simple, more than that, things like a link in an email, auto split screen.

And un like some people make out, desktop is still there as powerful as ever, best of both worlds. Extra function and ease of mobile OS, with full power of desktop.
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For typical home use its better, you have a second interface, back is intergrated, refresh, restart, live account, with live tiles which suits media consumption far better.
It is not one or the other like a certain few try to make out.
For desktop theres a hole load of under the hood improvements.

In every way its better, if you can get over not having a start menu (although there is a kind of start menu and was on win8 as well, right click on start button)

I can see when i have new emails without opening up a webrowser, logging in and manually checking. I can see weather instantly without opening anything up etc. Netflix, audible etc have far better metro apps than the website/desktop app version.
I have split screen, which is great and simple, more than that, things like a link in an email, auto split screen.

And un like some people make out, desktop is still there as powerful as ever, best of both worlds. Extra function and ease of mobile OS, with full power of desktop.

Agree 100% with this. When I got the start button back last night, it was no big thing really.
So glad I only paid £25 for my copy last year. Looking forward to the changes in 8.1 but TBH I couldn't give a toss about the start button, there is a little button on the keyboard that takes you there and then just type in what your looking for, so much faster than clicking through a thousand files to find what I want. People need to move with the times instead of clinging to the past.
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