Its a nice OS with some good features, pausing a file transfer, the new task manager etc i want to like it and im ready for an upgrade from windows 7 but its just completely
cripped by metro. Ill maybe look at it again come SP1 but for now ill stay with 7, its supported up until 2020 anyways so no problems there
Using metro is in no way intuitive for a mouse and keyboard setup. Its not really like the start button has dissapeared either, metro
is the new start button and it functions worse than the old start button in every way. Avoiding it wont work either unless you want a desktop/taskbar littered with seldomly used shortcuts. I sometimes use the command prompt, not enough to have it on the taskbar and not enough to stick it on the desktop so it stays in the start menu so in windows 8 if i want to go to the command prompt i have to open metro and navigate that mess to find it. Its a waste of time when doing things in windows 7 is more intuitive, if i had a tablet i would use it on that but not for a desktop.
I hate to say it but MS should take a leaf out of apples book with OSX,
keep the desktop and mobile operating systems separate, or at the very least leave metro as an disabled by default option on a desktop system.
Its clear that MS will not make any inroads with the tablet or mobile space unless they can get people to embrace metro since android and iOS already dominate, their strategy seems to be forcing their huge desktop userbase to use metro so they will want it on their future tablet/mobile, this will fail monumentally and they will only be helping windows 7/OSX/linux.