Windows 8 Consumer Preview Thread

But you're wrong and ChileanLlama is right.

1) Windows "E" (not "N") was ditched before release and instead all users had a choice of installing a different browser through Windows Update.
2) It was specific to European countries (due to the EU Commission ruling).
3) Windows "N", the one without Media Player, has sold in numbers and is still available from some retailers.

European Commission agreed to Windows having a choice of browsers installed along with Internet Explorer (that you only really needed to install another browser) but they also ruled that customers must have a choice of not using other pre-installed software (Windows Media, etc.) which is why Windows 7 "N" was offered to EU customers.

It's likely that Windows 8 will have a choice of browser again.

I bought a copy of Win 7 before release in the UK. I just re-installed it on my laptop for my wife to use - her software has problems with Windows 8 and it is simpler to use 7.

Anyway, on first boot I was given a choice of browser and chose Chrome and it works fine.
Depends how much time you have, if your dual booting it's simple. If you have to reinstall w7 that would be a pain.

Thanks again, yes I had seen that on the Asus forums.

I'd blitzed my Win 7 install by then and not worth going back for. If there was more broken I'd put Win 7 on a VHD, but at the moment I can live without the D2X.
I can just imagine most people in this thread are like this whenever they read comments by Groen... Face palm face palm face palm.

That guy just dont get it... or anything... at all... ever. He was the same in the old Win 8 thread too, and it's always the same stuff over and over again.
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I bought a copy of Win 7 before release in the UK. I just re-installed it on my laptop for my wife to use - her software has problems with Windows 8 and it is simpler to use 7.

Anyway, on first boot I was given a choice of browser and chose Chrome and it works fine.
Windows 8 displays a notification if you have installed a new app that can access that content, so you can choose VLC if a file has just opened up with the default video player. It's a lot more user friendly than previous versions.

In terms of choice Windows 8 will definitely be the most open, though the included default apps are more comprehensive than ever than before - even including anti-virus, a PDF reader and mount support for ISO files. I think they've got the balance right between offering functionality and catering to competition.
I heard that blocks 8 comes with a free xbox controller and some latex gloves for touching screens.

Any specific reason you're being a trolling ****? Ok, you don't like it. Good for you. You're not alone, but guess what, you don't have to use it! So kindly **** off and troll elsewhere.
The specific reason i made a joke about how they ported a xbox UI to windows is because it is funny and pathetic. I won't stop pointing out the flaws in windows 8. If you don't like it then you should make a thread called, "windows 8 thread for fan boys" or something. I'll tone down the redundant moans because its getting kind of boring now. Enjoy your trains ui and i hope you get RSI moving blocks around.
The specific reason i made a joke about how they ported a xbox UI to windows is because it is funny and pathetic. I won't stop pointing out the flaws in windows 8. If you don't like it then you should make a thread called, "windows 8 thread for fan boys" or something. I'll tone down the redundant moans because its getting kind of boring now. Enjoy your trains ui and i hope you get RSI moving blocks around.

Metro is the design concept used in WP7, Xbox and Windows 8. There's nothing to suggest Windows 8 is using ported code from XBox.

Don't stop pointing out the flaws, but because you don't like the Metro design isn't exactly a flaw, it's a subjective opinion in that you don't like it - which is fair enough.
There's another where he gets an average guy (his dad) to try Ubuntu and he almost gets everything, well apart from the desktop management bit. Way easier for him to use than W8 :)
The specific reason i made a joke about how they ported a xbox UI to windows is because it is funny and pathetic. I won't stop pointing out the flaws in windows 8. If you don't like it then you should make a thread called, "windows 8 thread for fan boys" or something. I'll tone down the redundant moans because its getting kind of boring now. Enjoy your trains ui and i hope you get RSI moving blocks around.
lolgroen… It's OK, we get that it's confusing to you and old men on videos. :) :D :p
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Rome total war won't run, but barbarian invasion will...
"Failed to find Steam"


EDIT : Got it to work, but it won't find my save file =/.
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