Windows 8 relieved (video)

29 May 2011
Looks like they've gotten about the keyboard and mouse. Too early to assume but I doubt it's going to benefit me over Window 7. Give me something new Microsoft.
12 Feb 2006
From a industry point of view this will be a complete failure. I can't see any of my customers touching this with a barge pole. It looks like change for change sake. The Windows 7 desktop should be the primary system with this Phone type OS secondary, like media center.

Big fail!

ms are one of the biggest companies in the world run by the richest people in the world. they know what they're doing. they wont do anything to scare people off. what i imagine will happen is when installing you're given a choice of how you want to run the os. more like a media centre or more like traditional windows. i may not be this way but whatever they chose it will make sense and allow you and your customers to keep touching it as well as other users who want a different feel to windows.

Reminds me of their latest mobile phone suite.

yeah that's the point
28 Dec 2009
Windows 8 looks absolutely terrible so far, all this bloated touchscreen useless ui "features". *puke* If i want that pathetic sort of ui i will buy a mac.

Windows 8 so far looks like they have taken windows 7, created some bs UI "features" probably change a few things around to annoy people and then add a whole bunch of other icons to the control panel, oh and change the number on the box to a 8 and increase the price a bit.

Why they can't focus on making the os more robust, more functionality, more advanced, instead they want to make it like a website.

That image viewer looks completely lame, why would anyone want to use that image viewer with no functionality when they can install xnview or other app that does 1000s of things.

So far not looking forward to windows 8

28 Dec 2009
I think it is time for windows to split its OS in to different version.

One OS for tablets and another OS for computers. This tablet UI is useless on a pc.

People are going wooow, two apps at the same time? People have been doing that since windows 95 ?

A advanced version of windows 8 without all the lameness would be great. Instead I will probably spend a few hours disabling all the bloatware after installing it :(
21 Oct 2002
London & Singapore
Vista is a resource hog. May be great for you but others have big issues with it on older hardware.

How not to develop a OS.

Rubbish. Utter rubbish. It runs almost identically to Windows 7... the only big difference with 7 was its huge boot time improvement.

I'm running it on a Q6600, and before that a E6300. Hardly "cutting edge" hardware?
25 Nov 2004
Windows 8 looks absolutely terrible so far, all this bloated touchscreen useless ui "features". *puke* If i want that pathetic sort of ui i will buy a mac.

Have you used OSX? Because it looks nothing like that...

Windows 8 so far looks like they have taken windows 7, created some bs UI "features" probably change a few things around to annoy people and then add a whole bunch of other icons to the control panel, oh and change the number on the box to a 8 and increase the price a bit.

Nothing here makes sense, just seems like any excuse to rant tbh.

Why they can't focus on making the os more robust, more functionality, more advanced, instead they want to make it like a website.

That appears to be what they have done. Taken an already robust platform and enhanced it to provide more functionality, usability.

Let's face it, in the domestic market, most of the people who use computers are not enthusiasts and simply either work, play or browse the web.

Maybe bridging the gap in interface terms (making things 'like a website') will ultimately help the mainstream audience use their computer. Most people browse the web daily and are familiar with that sort of interface.

That image viewer looks completely lame, why would anyone want to use that image viewer with no functionality when they can install xnview or other app that does 1000s of things.

Because not everyone wants to tweak everything. Not everyone wants to run things from the command line or stare at a barren desktop.

People just use their computers as a tool or an entertainment device in the rawest sense and the UI, it seems, is catering towards simplicity and usability. The similarities with WP OS emphasises this further.

So far not looking forward to windows 8


Must be one of very few people :)
19 Aug 2009
West Yorkshire/Birmingham
Rubbish. Utter rubbish. It runs almost identically to Windows 7... the only big difference with 7 was its huge boot time improvement.

I'm running it on a Q6600, and before that a E6300. Hardly "cutting edge" hardware?

It was when vista was first released back in 2006. People were only just moving to dual cores. Many still had p4's or the amd equivalent. And it didn't run at all well on them.
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