Windows 8 relieved (video)

25 Nov 2004
I think it is time for windows to split its OS in to different version.

One OS for tablets and another OS for computers. This tablet UI is useless on a pc.

People are going wooow, two apps at the same time? People have been doing that since windows 95 ?

A advanced version of windows 8 without all the lameness would be great. Instead I will probably spend a few hours disabling all the bloatware after installing it :(

This sounds likely.

A tablet version for the touchscreen enabled PC's, tablets and mobile devices and a desktop version for conventional PC's which uses the same back end just without (or an option to go without a touch-centric UI for those who wanted to).

Oddly though, aren't Apple doing the exact opposite and moving away from having two products and combining the iOS and OSX? Or am I making this up in my head? :D
21 Oct 2002
London & Singapore
I think it is time for windows to split its OS in to different version.
Terrible idea. This is the exact thing Microsoft doesn't want to do. It's why their Courier tablet device was canned - because it "rewrote the wheel".

Windows and .NET are Microsoft's two most important platforms. Purposely segregating them would be undermining their own business.
28 Dec 2009
Let's face it, in the domestic market, most of the people who use computers are not enthusiasts and simply either work, play or browse the web.

This is complete non sense, i think this sort of mentality is at the core of microsofts poor ui and design choices over the years. They think that every user is using the pc for the first time. I guarantee that most people on a pc will never use that "home screen". It will just get ignored. much like windows gadgets for the desktop, absolutely useless. More useless bloatware, it just turns in to away for microsoft to try and take over different application markets.

Microsoft trying to make their version of software for every type, there own image viewer, there own video codecs, there own etc etc. When realy they should be focussing on the operating system, because that is what it is. I don't want applications integrated in to the OS that i have to disable after installing the OS.

How many of you used the new windows 7 features, the snap features, the windows key and tab feature, i never use them because they suck. I am still trying to figure out how to disable the taskbar preview, another useless feature.
Man of Honour
30 Oct 2003
Just sitting here after watching that thinking what about the business users? lets be honest as things are progressing MS seem to be forgetting a huge chunk of their user base, this was evident in parts of both vista and 7 both of which still have massively frustrating issues that business face. I just hope that they don't aim this thing purely at the home/entertainment side of things and continue to alienate the business users too much. I guess only time will tell.
12 Feb 2006
what could they do to improve it for business users? word, excel, powerpoint and emails work fine what else do "business users" need?

didn't apple just announce that apps are going to be a bigger part of their os? seems like this is also what ms are trying to do. people can download apps to have their own customised os with different image viewers, different browses etc. i know this can be done already but it's harder to a lot of users. my parents who have used windows since it was released still wouldn't comfortably know how to change image viewers, change browsers, heck they don't even know what browsers there are other then ie as how would they know? they have to google and find out, too much work imo. i expect ms will find a simpler way to do things and change the os like on mobile devices.
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25 Nov 2004
This is complete non sense, i think this sort of mentality is at the core of microsofts poor ui and design choices over the years. They think that every user is using the pc for the first time. I guarantee that most people on a pc will never use that "home screen". It will just get ignored. much like windows gadgets for the desktop, absolutely useless. More useless bloatware, it just turns in to away for microsoft to try and take over different application markets.

You have to design for the lowest common denominator otherwise you risk alienating people who are starting out, converting, early adopters etc. The power users are the least of Microsoft's problem as if they don't like something, they have the knowledge to change it for themselves. You need to realise that the rest of the world doesn't and doesn't care enough to change it.

Gadgets can be useful, I use the weather, notes and stats ones quite a bit and know quite a few people who do.

Microsoft trying to make their version of software for every type, there own image viewer, there own video codecs, there own etc etc. When realy they should be focussing on the operating system, because that is what it is. I don't want applications integrated in to the OS that i have to disable after installing the OS.

The OS works. Very well, in fact.

As for integrating software...let me point you at Apple, first of all. Case in point.

Also, AGAIN, you need to realise that if Microsoft or indeed Apple, did not include such basic functionality, the end user in the majority of it's customer base would suffer.

I'm far from a basic user but I quite like having notepad, IE, Media Player etc etc included from the word go. The system is much more complete with these things included! If I want to change something, the choice is mine.

How many of you used the new windows 7 features, the snap features, the windows key and tab feature, i never use them because they suck. I am still trying to figure out how to disable the taskbar preview, another useless feature.

I use all the above and they greatly enhance the OS and make things a lot quicker and easier to do. I'd hazard a guess that most people would agree.

ng93 said:
I was going to reply to him as well, then realised it was groen. No point wasting our breath

I'm beginning to think this now :p

VinceB1 said:
Just sitting here after watching that thinking what about the business users? lets be honest as things are progressing MS seem to be forgetting a huge chunk of their user base, this was evident in parts of both vista and 7 both of which still have massively frustrating issues that business face. I just hope that they don't aim this thing purely at the home/entertainment side of things and continue to alienate the business users too much. I guess only time will tell.

I don't think they have ignored the Business market at all? There is a version of the OS for Business users without all the media gubbins and has functionality to run legacy programs (to an extent).

What specific issues do Vista and 7 present to business users?
28 Dec 2009
I am not talking about notepad and calculator and other basic apps, I am referring to bitlocker and bitdefender and other such apps.

Trying to make the operating system like a computer game, with fancy graphics and similar is the wrong direction to go imo. People want functionality not fancy graphics.

My parents are capable of downloading another browser and installing picasa and adobe flash. I think 95% of users have no problems with downloading and installing software. All i was saying is that i don't like the focus that microsoft have, they are more focused on lame ui enhancements rather than improving the OS or adding new real functionality. They are clearly trying to compete with the mac by copying them. I think that is the wrong direction. With billions available to spend on OS improvements, the best they can come up with is a lame UI, that looks terrible imo. I bet it won't even be completely customizable, knowing microsoft you would have to hack the registry to change the browser from ie to something else hahah
27 Nov 2008
Can a Windows 8 tablet still access the original Windows UI beneath? If it can I can see developers getting lazy and not bothering to rewrite for the tablet UI.
25 Nov 2004
I am not talking about notepad and calculator and other basic apps, I am referring to bitlocker and bitdefender and other such apps.

What's wrong with bitlocker?

Bitdefender doesn't come with Windows, I assume you mean Windows Defender? What's wrong with it?

The MS set of security software is pretty damn good stuff, and for free. If there weren't there, a lot of people wouldn't bother installing any security and just blame Windows for all their virus and malware related problems. This happened with XP.

Trying to make the operating system like a computer game, with fancy graphics and similar is the wrong direction to go imo. People want functionality not fancy graphics.

The 'fancy graphics' aids functionality. A lot of the features available in Windows 7 would not be possible (or hugely limited) if it were not for the way the underlying system can utilise the rendering capability of modern GPUs.

My parents are capable of downloading another browser and installing picasa and adobe flash. I think 95% of users have no problems with downloading and installing software. All i was saying is that i don't like the focus that microsoft have, they are more focused on lame ui enhancements rather than improving the OS or adding new real functionality. They are clearly trying to compete with the mac by copying them. I think that is the wrong direction. With billions available to spend on OS improvements, the best they can come up with is a lame UI, that looks terrible imo. I bet it won't even be completely customizable, knowing microsoft you would have to hack the registry to change the browser from ie to something else hahah

The underlying system is already pretty polished and works very well. The UI changes are nothing more than natural progression building on a solid base product. What more functionality would you like to see?

Just a paragraph ago you were hating on the world because MS included software to add functionality to their OS and how dare they include software with it! Now you actually want more functionality? :confused: what??!
Man of Honour
30 Oct 2003

I don't think they have ignored the Business market at all? There is a version of the OS for Business users without all the media gubbins and has functionality to run legacy programs (to an extent).

What specific issues do Vista and 7 present to business users?

From my experience Vista (in any guise, business or enterprise) will not store credentials for web dav folders whether mapped through a network drive or a network place - a pain in the arse if your a SharePoint house. There is nothing you can do to make it work apart from writing a logon script which means having a password in plain text. Not ideal from a security stand point I hope you will agree.

7 for me is a pain in the arse, I use a three screen setup where a lot of the time I will span the three screens using eyefinity or use two screens on an extended desktop. The fact that you can't move the show desktop button from the bottom right of the task bar is just plain annoying. Granted this is not a deal breaker but why would you put it there? Yes, yes I know I can use keyboard shortcuts etc but I want the button bottom left where it used to/should be. At the very least I expect the ability to customise as I see fit, if only to make my working life easier - Something that 7 has stepped away from I feel
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8 Mar 2007
but you can switch off the new UI and use the older UI.

And if the difference between W7 and W8 is just the new UI, which I then turn off....? Whats the point.

I'm not slating W8, I'm just saying its not a typical desktop system. And I don't think MS want it to be either.
18 Mar 2010
I would be interested if it is less demanding than windows 7, becasue my Duo is a bit sluggish with Windows 7. I imagine that the computer they were doing the demo with was reasonably powerful, I would expect that on my Duo it wouldn't be half as smooth.
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