Our 'Smart' Samsung heat pump Tumble dryer uses around 0.3-0.7kwh per cycle, it records it's own energy so handy to check how much it's using! although it will obviously ramp up depending on load/amount of moisture which is handy, so you aren't drying for hours, so not sure how that compares to a dehumidifier, since I have no idea how long those take for equivocal loads.That completely depends on the tumble dryer being compared. My heatpump one uses less than a dehumidifier. After all it's basically a dehumidifier in a tumble dryer.
They are also expensive relative to a dehumidifier, but with a dehumidifier, great if you have a house that needs humidity control, although then drying cloths is going to take longer if there is excess moisture in the air + the clothes?True I guess I think they're still more energy intensive or are they less than 200W now? I mean if you have the space for one in your utility room then of course - although we have the space, we only have a washer / dryer, as we use the drying function maybe 10x a year at most. The advantage of a dehumidifier is that you can place it around the house - unless you have AC in your house - which can keep mould and humidity under control.
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