Interesting, get the impression those who know the books are a little too enthusiastic about how good it was.
It was okay, they didn't really start it off very well in so far as, for a series that not everyone is familiar with, not a whole heck of a lot actually happened, normally you'd have a pretty major situation happen in your first showing, even if it was a double length episode to start. It was character building, nothing wrong with that but realistically nothing interesting was learned about any characters. I think I'd describe it as character introduction rather than character building, no depth was shown to any of the characters really.
I see potential, there was some good performances but there wasn't a single point that stood out against other fantasy/period type shows. Fantastic characters, certainly not in the first episode, fantastic action, fighting, dialogue, scenes, story, not really. Hopefully it was a very slow "building" episode, but thats not really the best way to grab viewers and keep ratings and get second/third seasons.
It just seemed to be lacking something, in depth character building for at least a couple characters, start of a war or something, nope, slight indication the dead guys are back after being gone for 1000 years, sure.