Poll: Winter Is Coming - HBO's A Game of Thrones [READ WARNING]

Who will rule Westeros?

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23 May 2011
I'm just so underwhelmed by how it ended. A sneak attack by Arya with some anime move. The walker generals were also completely pointless as well, they did absolutely nothing the entire episode. I'd prefer to see a few of those die to ease the strain on the plot armour characters rather than them just being ganked against a wall and still surviving.

I'm going to reserve judgement until the end of the series. I'm hoping there's a little more Night King in the final 3 episodes but i'm not holding out hope.
10 Jun 2003
New Zealand
  • The Arya move was "cool", but how did she get passed all the dead and the walkers to get even close to the king? Must have been a trampoline lying around for that jump...
This was foreshadowed in an earlier episode when Arya surprises Jon and he asks how she snuck up on him. That and the library scene where she managed to move near silently.

I thought the swarm looked awesome to begin with but there were too many scenes that were inescapable one minute but a trickle of zombies the next. The whole thing could have been shorter without losing anything.

Still more entertaining than 90% of TV, I just turn my brain off more than in the early seasons and that helps to enjoy it rather than analysing it too much.
21 Apr 2003
South North West
Oscar for best one liner: Varis "At least we're already in a crypt."

Oscar for best military tactic: The Dothraki; nothing beats a cavalry charge into the dark while trying not to set yourself on fire with your own sword. It was nicely set up, but I laughed when they went all Jon Snow at the Battle of the B's.

Oscar for milking a hopeless situation: The writers... I checked how far we were through the episode halfway through the battle and wondered how much more of this Normandy landing hopelessness we'd have to put up with before someone took out the machine guns.

Oscar for best idea: Raining zombies! Raining ****** zombies! Genuine genius that one... though Dany letting it happen in the first place was ridiculous, so they cancel each other out.

Oscar for best scene: Sansa and Tyrion in the crypt before it all goes to pot... this show is always at its best when it's being human. Fighting is great punctuation but lousy prose.

Oscar for worst drama villain ever: The Night King... as prone to pathetic gloaty pauses as any other action movie moron! Still, he's undead, and used to getting his way with brute force. Probably not the brightest spark, despite the eyes. But they should have set him up as more fallible, or had Bran warg into one of his disciples or something, to show there was reason to be cautious.

Oscar for worst missed opportunity: The writers, WHY did the Hound not watch the dead rise and say "Oh ****, now we've got to do it all again" ?

Oscar for sneaking into a tree unseen: Arya. I was too busy thinking "where did she come from?" to enjoy that sudden climax.

Oscar for clinging onto hope of a decent GoT ending: Me! Now the North's forces are dust, we'll need a proper Game of Thrones type plot to save them. I have faith... honest. No, really.
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17 Nov 2011
Well, I really enjoyed that episode. Started to watch it on my Sky recording and it was so dark I couldn't see a thing. Watched it from another source and it was fine. Thought the NK's death was a too easy at the end, but other than that really enjoyed it.

What I am wondering now though is:

Has Danni got any army left to fight Cersei? The Dothraki are gone. Most of the Unsullied are toast. 1 dragon left. Not sure what she is going to use as an army.

Which brings me to; Jamie Lannister. What does he do now? Does he go back to Cersei and fight for her or does he stick with Danni and the North? If he sticks with the North/Danni it could be interesting as he is now head of House Lannister. I know Cersei is the Queen but Jamie will still control the Lannister forces, if they decide to follow him.
Man of Honour
17 Aug 2007
Has Danni got any army left to fight Cersei? The Dothraki are gone. Most of the Unsullied are toast. 1 dragon left. Not sure what she is going to use as an army.

Well that's the big question, how will they defeat 20,000 golden company with the pittance of troops they have left. Only thing about the golden company is that they are mercenaries, so they could be bought off but then where would they find that sort of money. You also have to think that surely Arya's story is pretty much at a close now that she is the one who killed the night king, she surely isn't going to kill anyone else major now that shes already single handedly killed so many characters.
6 Aug 2010
We shall see how the rest of the series pans out but there was a bit .... meh. On a general TV scale it was still great but on the GoT TV scale I thought that was a little mediocre. I don't expect a full exposition or a Night King's bad guy monologue trope but some further detail on why the NK was so focused on Bran, was willing to risk everything to get Bran would have been nice. They mentioned in a previous episode about Bran having the knowledge of humanity (or words to that effect) but why was that so terrifying to the NK? Was the Nk scared Bran might bore him to death? stare at him uncomfortably until he retreats back north?

Also Melisandre was a wtf moment - her big return to Westeros was just to set a few swords on fire and ignite the pit? Really?! Not one last resurrection, not a fire and ice fight with the NK. I really expected more considering she represents the fire God and this was a literal battle of ice and fire.

Edit: Re Ayra - I think it could go either way. She seems to have somewhat reverted back to Ayra rather than no-one so could still have a part to play. Though Melisandre's reminder of what do we say to death seemed to turn Ayra from scared girl back to a more ruthless, fearless 'no one'.
2 Jul 2003
Well that's the big question, how will they defeat 20,000 golden company with the pittance of troops they have left. Only thing about the golden company is that they are mercenaries, so they could be bought off but then where would they find that sort of money. You also have to think that surely Arya's story is pretty much at a close now that she is the one who killed the night king, she surely isn't going to kill anyone else major now that shes already single handedly killed so many characters.

We'll see next week! Although the Golden Company never break their contract.

Wonder if the NK touch somehow affects Arya to take her out of the game until this all blows over? Suspect we might see the remnants hurry on down to Moat Cailin to defend the Neck? Or spread out and begin a campaign to pull support from the Mad Queen. Problem is, no one will believe what's happened to them up there.

They have a Dragon but I'd say Cersei had been busy building ballista...
7 Mar 2011
Oldham, Lancashire
We shall see how the rest of the series pans out but there was a bit .... meh. On a general TV scale it was still great but on the GoT TV scale I thought that was a little mediocre. I don't expect a full exposition or a Night King's bad guy monologue trope but some further detail on why the NK was so focused on Bran, was willing to risk everything to get Bran would have been nice. They mentioned in a previous episode about Bran having the knowledge of humanity (or words to that effect) but why was that so terrifying to the NK? Was the Nk scared Bran might bore him to death? stare at him uncomfortably until he retreats back north?

Also Melisandre was a wtf moment - her big return to Westeros was just to set a few swords on fire and ignite the pit? Really?! Not one last resurrection, not a fire and ice fight with the NK. I really expected more considering she represents the fire God and this was a literal battle of ice and fire.

Edit: Re Ayra - I think it could go either way. She seems to have somewhat reverted back to Ayra rather than no-one so could still have a part to play. Though Melisandre's reminder of what do we say to death seemed to turn Ayra from scared girl back to a more ruthless, fearless 'no one'.

I thought the NK was going to try converting Bran into a white walker. A WW with the power of the three eyed raven would be massive.

I’m hoping the red woman did something in the background. She said she wouldn’t survive the night and I’m clinging to the hope she used the last of her life doing something powerful we haven’t seen yet.
30 Jul 2013
It wasn't clear to me if both dragons survived.

One certainly would have been pretty badly injured by all those wights stabbing it.

Edit - According to next week preview they both survived. Hopefully that revelation doesn't annoy anyone.
28 Nov 2002
Maybe she teleported Arya :p

I’ve seen a few questions about Arya and how she managed to get to the night king undetected but we need to remember she was trained by the faceless men, she probably used the same skills that Jaqen H’ghar used on his targets
17 Apr 2009
I’ve seen a few questions about Arya and how she managed to get to the night king undetected but we need to remember she was trained by the faceless men, she probably used the same skills that Jaqen H’ghar used on his targets

I assumed she hid up a tree before the WW got as far as the Godswood. She knew where the Night King would be. She knew it was her destiny to kill him. So all she had to do was get to Bran first. Yes, there were Wights in the Godswood. But not a crazy number of them, and the Iron Islanders would have provided a good distraction.

The "leap" was less a "leap", and more a fall from the tree.

Seems more plausible than her sneaking in after the Iron Islanders died and the WW arrived.
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