Poll: Winter Is Coming - HBO's A Game of Thrones [READ WARNING]

Who will rule Westeros?

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Oh right.


This sums up a lot of my thoughts.
Very good article. It's sad that the majority people watching these shows (and indeed many apparently reading this thread) are exactly the dumbed-down audience that the shoddy writers of recent episodes clearly aimed for.

Was in next week's sneak peak
The sneak peek is a spoiler that many people choose not to watch, no need to post stuff about it.

It's not just on OLED's

Both my mates have decent samsung TVs and said it was bad.

Yup, it was really bad... looked like a 300MB file in places.
Watched it on two TV's last night my OLED and a standard 4K LED and on both it was overly dark at times to the point where it feels they added filters in post to make it even darker, not sure how I feel about the NK after 7 seasons of build up to end it that way and make Cersei the bigger bad feels like the shows catered for the wrong crowd now.

Arya getting the jump on him whilst he's stood with all the others and not one notices her feels sloppy.
Very good article. It's sad that the majority people watching these shows (and indeed many apparently reading this thread) are exactly the dumbed-down audience that the shoddy writers of recent episodes clearly aimed for.

The article can be summed up as "wah, they didn't explain things". Why must it be explained? What is wrong with mysteries? What is wrong with the unexplained other? The Walkers are inhumanly strange; that's what makes them interesting and different to the human antagonists.

The series has already gone further than the books do in tying up loose ends.
Watched it on two TV's last night my OLED and a standard 4K LED and on both it was overly dark at times to the point where it feels they added filters in post to make it even darker, not sure how I feel about the NK after 7 seasons of build up to end it that way and make Cersei the bigger bad feels like the shows catered for the wrong crowd now.

I'm not sure it's anything to do with the wrong crowd. Building up a threat to the world's existence and then disposing of it through a teenage girl with a knife is just absurdly anti climactic. We now have the remainder of the series fighting Cersei, who is just a queen. Sure, she's a bit nasty, but she'll die at some point.

I really liked the show when it was just a dispute over the throne. Bringing in the NK was unnecessary (though I appreciate that it followed the books), and now he's been disposed of so easily.

Thought i'd watch the scene again in 4k, then noticed about 1:34 into the clip, a little gust of wind in one of the NK generals hair just before Arya leaps at the Night King, was she going super speed :D

Have a lot of problems with individual bits of the episode, lots of silliness and plot armour but overall enjoyed it.
The article can be summed up as "wah, they didn't explain things". Why must it be explained? What is wrong with mysteries? What is wrong with the unexplained other? The Walkers are inhumanly strange; that's what makes them interesting and different to the human antagonists.

The series has already gone further than the books do in tying up loose ends.

But they weren’t inhumanely, they were literally people, the night king especially so.

No one wanted exposition, but something more than that worthless end was desired, now the rest of the season is pointlessly droll assuming that truly is the end of it.

If it isn’t, I’ll be pleasantly surprised, otherwise it’s just an epilogue that I don’t care for.
Arya getting the jump on him whilst he's stood with all the others and not one notices her feels sloppy.

I'm inclined to agree that it felt a bit cheap but Arya's basically been hyped up as the ultimate ninja for the last 2 or 3 seasons so I guess if anyone could do it, it would be her!
I thought that they were going to a pull a 'The Mist' moment with Sansa and Tyrion, committing suicide just as the NK was defeated.

No idea how the others survived as they were pretty much on their own for the last 30 minutes, seemingly being overpowered several times each. It seems like they had their minds on the big Cersei showdown and realized that they couldn't kill everybody off just yet.

It's disappointing that the threat has ended so quickly, it's a massive cop out when you look at the bigger picture and see that this has been building since the very first episode. We've pretty much gone from deciding the fate of the world, back to worrying about who sits on the throne again. Unless they pull some massive surprise out of the bag in the next few episodes it feels like a total waste. I'm kind of holding onto hope that they aren't actually defeated just yet and that this is all part of some larger plan which will come into action later on.
But they weren’t inhumanely, they were literally people, the night king especially so.

No one wanted exposition, but something more than that worthless end was desired, now the rest of the season is pointlessly droll assuming that truly is the end of it.

If it isn’t, I’ll be pleasantly surprised, otherwise it’s just an epilogue that I don’t care for.

Yup, the writers should have made it so they dealt with Cersei first, made her see sense and then fought the final battle against the Night King.

Dothraki are supposed to be unbeatable on the open field aren’t they? Makes sense to use them in the open field, in principle.

Erm, no it doesn't make any sense in every context. In this context it made zero sense.

- it’s a TV show.
That says nothing except that you are not intellectually capable of being critical about a piece of theatrical art that has been running for close to 10 years and t6hat people are understandably invested in and passionate about. Please go and tell every critic about every artistic medium that "It's just a TV show" or "just a movie" etc etc. It makes you sound like a simpleton.
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