Poll: Winter Is Coming - HBO's A Game of Thrones [READ WARNING]

Who will rule Westeros?

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I enjoyed that more than Endgame :D

Also, I'm glad the NK side of things is tied up, if I wanted to watch a zombie show I would look at the Walking Dead franchise. :p

I'm also the leader of my work deathpool with only one misstep on my predictions so far.

I'm just glad what I thought might happen when watching didn't

When everything got muffled and the sombre music started and all seemed to be lost, I suddentl thought what if Bran is pulling a Dr Strange and looking at multiple timelines to see how things play out, and everything we watched would be reset when he un-warged and he would advise them to do things differently. Now that would have been a cop-out, of Dallas proportions.
I'm inclined to agree that it felt a bit cheap but Arya's basically been hyped up as the ultimate ninja for the last 2 or 3 seasons so I guess if anyone could do it, it would be her!

Indeed, They clearly established in the library scene that she could move more quietly than the sound of her blood dripping on the floor. Theon and to a lesser extent Jon reminded me of the Bobby B war story in the first season, “Mine was some Tarly boy at the battle of Summerhall. My horse took an arrow, so I was on foot, slogging through the mud. He came running at me, this dumb high-born lad, thinking he could end the rebellion with a single swing of his sword."

Same thing with Ned vs. Arthur Dayne - epic duel featuring one of the greatest swordsman who ever lived? No, he just got surprise stabbed in the back.
A lot of people (not just here) complained about it being dark. I really enjoyed that, it made it more atmospheric. Also, just turning the lights of solved any issues I had... lol, I don't have a fancy TV either.
A lot of people (not just here) complained about it being dark. I really enjoyed that, it made it more atmospheric. Also, just turning the lights of solved any issues I had... lol, I don't have a fancy TV either.
You didn't see any banding and artifacts? It was awful.

Btw, to the people annoyed about Arya. I think the point is she's not some "teenage" girl, as said she's probably one of the best assassins in the world right now. People complaining she could get the jump on the NK when literally a couple of seasons ago (I forget :o) she was morphing into totally different people with magic. Lol.
That says nothing except that you are not intellectually capable of being critical about a piece of theatrical art that has been running for close to 10 years and t6hat people are understandably invested in and passionate about. Please go and tell every critic about every artistic medium that "It's just a TV show" or "just a movie" etc etc. It makes you sound like a simpleton.
You didn't see any banding and artifacts? It was awful.
No more than usual :p

Btw, to the people annoyed about Arya. I think the point is she's not some "teenage" girl, as said she's probably one of the best assassins in the world right now. People complaining she could get the jump on the NK when literally a couple of seasons ago (I forget :o) she was morphing into totally different people with magic. Lol.

Indeed, I had zero issues with Arya this episode.

I do, however, want to know what the hell Bran was up to. Maybe they'll have an answer for us next episode.

Riddled with retarded scenes, questionable writing and battle strategy, but that's Game of Thrones.
The NK and WWs didn't need to go all bad ass. They weren't expecting to lose. Up until the point Arya kills him, they had decimated the forces and were on course for a total victory with very little effort.

The poor battle tactics of Winterfel including sending the Dothraki in the charge and having very poor defences were all to draw the NK out to Bran and a quickly as possible.

I had presumed Bran was warging to draw the NK out and take focus off Arya. I also assumed the NK had foreseen a good deal of this hence the casual nature, in the same way he captured the dragon rather than killing the heroes at that stage.

Arya was a no one, and in being so she was someone the NK knew nothing about nor cared about. Given her journey and skillset it totally made sense for her to kill him as she did.

Bran or rather the 3ER very coldly sacrificed everyone so he would live. Although it's how it had to be. To him it's not about the throne, his family etc it was all about survival and beating the NK. That was his arc. Anything further will probably be incidental.
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That was the best episode of TV I have ever seen. I'm out of superlatives. It was spellbinding and mesmeric.

This is the only episode of GOT where I have turned all the lights off as I wanted as little distraction as possible.

When the Dothraki charged towards the WK's and the lights started going out, with that silence. I actually said "****" ... I've never said a word watching all of the previous episodes. That scene was stunning. The atmosphere, the composition, the directing. Sublime.

The rest of the show was just a masterclass in tension, music, directing, continuity, acting, screenplay, writing, special effects and story telling. Loved it.
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A lot of people (not just here) complained about it being dark. I really enjoyed that, it made it more atmospheric. Also, just turning the lights of solved any issues I had... lol, I don't have a fancy TV either.
Yeah it was terrible. I usually watch HBO 'acquired' episodes as the bitrate tends to be better than Sky plus there's no adverts, but since it was so bad (even the mrs made a comment) I tried it on Sky and it was even worse. The first 10 minutes or so were a blocky mess. I'll be watching it again when there's a BD version out.
A lot of people (not just here) complained about it being dark. I really enjoyed that, it made it more atmospheric. Also, just turning the lights of solved any issues I had... lol, I don't have a fancy TV either.
I watched it at about half eleven last night with all the lights off and a box of tissues. It looked like ***** regardless.
The last few episodes I have recorded have been shocking quality. Blocky as hell. Really doesn't help with all the pitch black scenes either. This is with Sky Q and a 4k OLED TV as well. It did spoil the viewing for me to be honest. Felt like I was watching some dodgy Chinese VCD from back in the day :p

I always SKy + the first showing. I haven't tried any of the later ones to see if they are any different.
What a monumental disappointment.

All that build up for that ending "jump out of absolutely nowhere and stab your dead, haha"

Also, it was stupidly dark and the picture quality on Sky Atlantic was horrendous.
Like others I am pretty disappointed that the night king has been wrapped up. Good episode and I don't really have any issue with Ayra killing him but just the fact that we have been building for seasons after season for this and suddenly its all over with no real satisfying conclusion. I assumed the night king would take Winterfell, a few survivors would escape and the end of the series would be the true finale to this storyline.
We have 3 episodes left, quite a lot of air time. I think we should reserve judgement on how the NK was handled until everything is done. I have a feeling there may be more to it.
We have 3 episodes left, quite a lot of air time. I think we should reserve judgement on how the NK was handled until everything is done. I have a feeling there may be more to it.

True. This is what i am hoping.

There must be more to it, otherwise its all very disappointing.
That says nothing except that you are not intellectually capable of being critical about a piece of theatrical art that has been running for close to 10 years and t6hat people are understandably invested in and passionate about. Please go and tell every critic about every artistic medium that "It's just a TV show" or "just a movie" etc etc. It makes you sound like a simpleton.

Perhaps you can use that high horse of yours to kill the night king instead :p
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