Poll: Winter Is Coming - HBO's A Game of Thrones [READ WARNING]

Who will rule Westeros?

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I rewatched ep3 first and actually confirmed my thoughts that it was great - and everyone should stop whining. But then I followed up with ep4...hmn... :(
I rewatched ep3 first and actually confirmed my thoughts that it was great - and everyone should stop whining. But then I followed up with ep4...hmn... :(

I rewatched E3 too. I still don't like bits of it, but - come on - it's still head and shoulders above almost anything else. Really enjoyed E4 too.
I thought episode 3 was bad, 4 managed to be worse.

Fly your dragon round behind them and destroy the ships when they can't touch you for Christ sake.

Time jumps, plot holes, idiot decisions.

At one point I was all on this series finishing the Song of Ice and Fire story as GRRM will never finish the books, but this has careened off a cliff now and once again I'm sitting texting halfway through the episode it's so bad.

Just finish it ASAP now, shame it's stumbled to such an ending.
Also, why doesn't Bran make himself useful? He is the 3 eyed raven for goodness sake, and he can warg into other living creatures etc.

He is like the ultimate battle scout/spy and wouldn't need to be anywhere near any danger, yet he just sits in his chair being a ****.

I was really hoping there would be some hugely interesting reveal regarding Bran but the closer we get to the end, the more i am thinking that this is it.
I thought episode 3 was bad, 4 managed to be worse.

Fly your dragon round behind them and destroy the ships when they can't touch you for Christ sake.

Time jumps, plot holes, idiot decisions.

At one point I was all on this series finishing the Song of Ice and Fire story as GRRM will never finish the books, but this has careened off a cliff now and once again I'm sitting texting halfway through the episode it's so bad.

Just finish it ASAP now, shame it's stumbled to such an ending.

I had my phone out mid episode like.. Shame really but on a positive it will make me want to finish off the books as at least, or hopefully it will be far better than the series.

Shame they had to rush it really and ruin the thing..

I've always watched talking thrones or emergency awesome and to be fair any sort of theory has gone out the window this season as there just is not that level of depth to the writing anymore. What you may expect doesn't happen, not because of some clever plot twist but because of shear rushed and random scripting.
Not sure why people are letting a horribly directed scene ruin the whole episode - just accept that Euron carried out an ambush and managed to take down a dragon. Unfortunately the scene as played out was the best they could do with time and budget restrictions of the episode. Not a great episode by any stretch and pacing of course is bad as it was always going to be for the final two seasons. Certainly some nice moments and character interactions however!
What on earth did I just watch??

Episode 3 wasn’t exactly a masterpiece but ep4 was just... what???

The whole ship vs Dragon scene was cringe worthy.

Could be worse. They could have done something that's completely inconsistent with 8 seasons of character development, like placing Daenerys outside of King's Landing, within ballista range, and with only a tiny contingent protecting her, and then have Cersei pass up on an opportunity for a really easy victory.

Oh, wait...
With the events of that episode I wonder if it means that Dragonbinder will be used in the books, by Victarion.

I'm hoping that GRRM is going to release WoW soon after the series ends, it's got to be far better that this mess from D&D.
Disappointing episode this week. I know people were nitpicking to an extent last week, me included, but there were some genuinely laughable moments this week. The dragons vs ship thing was awful writing, all of us watching it were expecting her to loop around and attack the ships from behind, they couldn't shoot those ballistas through their own sails and there didn't appear to be one on the back of the ships. Also, how did she not see Euron's ships when she was way up in the air, on a completely clear day? They could have at least had her descend out of cloud cover to be ambushed, or anything to make it more plausible.

I'm getting bored of Euron being used as a deus ex machina to damage Dany's forces, it's lazy writing by D&D.
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If you had a dragon, you’d be smart and fly high enough that you couldn’t be touched save for a modern surface to air missile.

What does Dany do? Fly a few hundred feet in the air casually swooping around.

Looks like Dany is going to go mad in the next episode and Jon will end up clashing with her. I voted that Jon will sit on the throne but now I’m more convinced that it’ll be Sansa after J and D get killed. Jon after taking out a mad Dany.
Looks like Dany is going to go mad in the next episode and Jon will end up clashing with her. I voted that Jon will sit on the throne but now I’m more convinced that it’ll be Sansa after J and D get killed. Jon after taking out a mad Dany.

I always figured Dany would die, but after that episode I'm convinced Jon will die too.
After this episode I;m definitely glad I picked Gendry for the Iron Throne - He's now a legal Barathian, Dani is going all Mad King so will probably get murdered, Cersi is a gonner (probably to Arya) and I think Jon Snow will decide he doesn't want the throne and will retire north beyond the wall to live with the Wildlings just leaving my main man Gendry as the soul heir to the Iron Throne - Yeah baby yeah!!!!.
Terrible episode, nothing more to add.

Disappointing how this is ending up, feels like a film that has been drawn out to last a trilogy and sliced into a TV show.
Had a few good moments.

The opening funeral scene was good, and there were a few interesting moments between the characters that worked well in the feast.

I liked the Gendry becoming a lord bit, and the rejection by Arya - she's never been a lady and shouldn't start now.

I thought the scene where Jon got Bran to reveal the truth about his past was quite neat, as he managed to avoid breaking his promise to Dany by having another reveal the truth.

The only good bit about the dragon death scene was the suddeness with which it was delivered.

The way things ended with Ghost were super poor, as was much of the scene in front of the walls of Kings Landing.

Weakest episode of the season so far for me, but still much better than most of crap of TV
It's like the remake of Battlestar Galactica all over again... A promising series ruined mostly in the last series..

* why isn't bran using his warging powers for the war effort?

* why did Danerys need to to goto to Dragonstone and split her forces other than so the script writers could set up the ridiculous scene where she looses another dragon?

* why is there basically any significant fighting force left to set foot from Winterfell after what we saw from the battle with the night king?

* why can't Danerys see a relatively slow moving enemy fleet on a clear day from hundred of feet in the air? Why wasn't she using her dragons to scout from if the fleet was lying in wait behind a rock?

* why did Cersei just not kill the small party that approached the walls of Kings landing containing most of her remaining enemies of note? They looked to be well with in archer range never mind the numerous ballistas that had magically appeared at Kings Landing. And the last remaining dragon wasnt going to be much use given the ballista firepower on hand?
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