I know they are trying to tie up all the loose plot ends and they only have limited time and guidance from GRRM, but it just feels like there's a lot of really lazy writing and plot decisions going on now. They seem to have got to an impasse with how to deal with overpowered plot elements and difficult character stories and resorted to just wrapping things up quickly and easily. Episode 4 was littered with characters warping around all over the place as if time and distance was no barrier. Incoherent and lazy storytelling and easily the worst so far.
- A dragon down with ridiculous ease. Were those scorpion bolts laser guided at such extreme range? Why weren't the pirate ships visible from the air in clear weather? Improbable nonsense.
- Missandei captured just to be gratuitously offed. Why not just obliterate the party at the gates containing Dany then? Tyrion was separated from them if Cersei didn't want to harm him.
- Ghost sent north with the Wildings because they couldn't be bothered to do anything else with him?
- The scene with Bron, Tyrion and Jamie lacked any tension because we all knew he wouldn't do it and if he does in one of the next two episodes it'll be a case of 'so what' because it's just a contract to him and there's no real reason beyond that.
All the dialogue and behind the scenes scheming about who will sit on the Iron Throne now feels forced, as if the characters themselves know the franchise is coming to an end. It's suddenly becoming hard to care and I never thought I'd feel like that after all these years watching.
- A dragon down with ridiculous ease. Were those scorpion bolts laser guided at such extreme range? Why weren't the pirate ships visible from the air in clear weather? Improbable nonsense.
- Missandei captured just to be gratuitously offed. Why not just obliterate the party at the gates containing Dany then? Tyrion was separated from them if Cersei didn't want to harm him.
- Ghost sent north with the Wildings because they couldn't be bothered to do anything else with him?
- The scene with Bron, Tyrion and Jamie lacked any tension because we all knew he wouldn't do it and if he does in one of the next two episodes it'll be a case of 'so what' because it's just a contract to him and there's no real reason beyond that.
All the dialogue and behind the scenes scheming about who will sit on the Iron Throne now feels forced, as if the characters themselves know the franchise is coming to an end. It's suddenly becoming hard to care and I never thought I'd feel like that after all these years watching.