You can't direct a scene that hasn't been written. Directing has nothing to do with the fact that a character jumps between Kings Landing and Winterfell it's purely down the writing. It's not the directors job to create entirely new scenes to join plot points together.
You can't direct a scene that hasn't been written. Directing has nothing to do with the fact that a character jumps between Kings Landing and Winterfell it's purely down the writing. It's not the directors job to create entirely new scenes to join plot points together.
You mean Bron going up to Winterfell? lol did that really bug you? I don’t think the timing of those conversations was particularly material. It’s obvious that it took Bron a couple of weeks to get up there.
The ‘off screen warping’ really doesn’t bother me at all. It also happens quite a bit in the earlier seasons. Takes ages for Brien and Jamie to wander around (on foot admittedly) but Stanis / Tyrells are all over the shop
From memory it took King Robert a month on horse and in carriage with a cavalry escort to go from King Landing to Winterfell and not in winter. So a large army on foot with the beginning of the journey in winter, got to take 3 months to get to KL as a wild guess.
French Napoleonic armies could mange about 70 miles a week averaged over a campaign. So six weeks London to Edinburgh.
So the warping/time shifting is just a function of the long timescales of medieval style campaigning. Although maybe a few scenes complaining about how long it’s taking might strengthen the sense of time passing.
You mean Bron going up to Winterfell? lol did that really bug you? I don’t think the timing of those conversations was particularly material. It’s obvious that it took Bron a couple of weeks to get up there.
The ‘off screen warping’ really doesn’t bother me at all. It also happens quite a bit in the earlier seasons. Takes ages for Brien and Jamie to wander around (on foot admittedly) but Stanis / Tyrells are all over the shop
Bronn didn't bother me honestly, it was just an example. A better example would have been Dany and gang teleporting from Dragonstone to KL. There's so many questions that the show didn't bothering answering. How did they even get there? Did Drogon fly them all there one by one or is it another case of 'Half the army was killed' where it just looked like Euron destroyed her entire fleet for the visual but for some reason decided to leave a few of her ships in tact. Did they not have any resistance in their approach to KL, etc. Characters used to spend entire seasons travelling across the width of the map so seeing characters jump from the top to the bottom in no time at all is understandably jarring.
From memory it took King Robert a month on horse and in carriage with a cavalry escort to go from King Landing to Winterfell and not in winter. So a large army on foot with the beginning of the journey in winter, got to take 3 months to get to KL as a wild guess.
French Napoleonic armies could mange about 70 miles a week averaged over a campaign. So six weeks London to Edinburgh.
So the warping/time shifting is just a function of the long timescales of medieval style campaigning. Although maybe a few scenes complaining about how long it’s taking might strengthen the sense of time passing.
Bronn didn't bother me honestly, it was just an example. A better example would have been Dany and gang teleporting from Dragonstone to KL. There's so many questions that the show didn't bothering answering. How did they even get there? Did Drogon fly them all there one by one or is it another case of 'Half the army was killed' where it just looked like Euron destroyed her entire fleet for the visual but for some reason decided to leave a few of her ships in tact. Did they not have any resistance in their approach to KL, etc. Characters used to spend entire seasons travelling across the width of the map so seeing characters jump from the top to the bottom in no time at all is understandably jarring.
How did they get there? They walked / used boats.
Did all of the army die? No.
Were they all killed on the way to KL? No.
As to why Cersei didn’t ultra hoon them - she was taunting them. The classic Bond villain trap Harder to defend that one, but there is the whole parley thing and the idea that Cersei needs to win hearts and minds too.
That makes no sense, they're not going to change a story to some sub-par version they previously rejected just because a few people on the internet have read a spoiler.
I'd take these things with a pinch of salt tbh.. some of it seems plausible but I think most of these things are a case of lots of people coming up with good guesses and then lots of focus put on the ones that have had good guesses so far.
I mean the things from there that I'd have already expected and which have already been mentioned in this thread are:
Danny going mental - I mean seems quite likely she'll destroy the Red Keep given the vision from several series ago and Jon wouldn't be too happy with her. Not sure about him supposedly killing her though.
also as of last weeks episode:
Vary's isn't happy with her anymore and so him betraying her and getting executed for it is quite plausible, that would certainly annoy Tyrion
To be honest it's all been fairly predictable for the most part.
could have it been done better, yes for sure.
They could have gone for a ten episode season for starters.
I think that would given the season better pacing and room for extra scenes.
The main problem I have is the Night King was defeated far too easily.
It would have been better if Jon has his showdown fight with the NK but ultimately loses his sword and is kicked hard to the ground, the NK is about to land the killer blow on a beat Jon and then Ghost jumps out of the darkness under Bran's control.
The night king wounds Ghost and the NK turns his attention back to killing Bran, and then out of nowhere the night king gets stabbed in the back.
When he gets stabbed all you see is a slow mo of the pointy end of the dagger coming out the front of his chest, and the NK looking down at his chest, then you see a sword blade come into the frame and enter the NK's head via his mouth.
The night king implodes and the dead fall to the ground and shot pans out to show Ayra holding her dagger and Jon holding his sword, each either side of Bran. (Boom!!! tag team Stark take down).
The other issue I have is the pointless death of the second Dragon.
How did they not spot Euron's ships from the air approaching Dragonstone.
If they wanted to kill off another dragon it should have at the very least been in battle.
Maybe have the dragon take out a couple of Euron's ships in a wounded last ditched death dive. (you know give the dragon a big heroic ending).
In the episode, Cersei (Lena Headey) tells Euron (Pilou Asbæk) that he is the father of her unborn baby for the first time we see on-screen. There’s no 23andMe in Westeros, so Captain Jack Sparrow Euron buys it ― having no idea that Jaime (Nikolaj Coster-Waldau) is the child’s actual father.
They’re one big, happy, murderous family for about two minutes until the army of Daenerys (Emilia Clarke) meets with Cersei at the gates of King’s Landing. Tyrion (Peter Dinklage) tries to plead with his sister to surrender, begging her to do it for the life of her child.
But wait.
Since Euron just found out about the baby, and he’s standing right behind Cersei in the scene, wouldn’t he question how Tyrion knew this information? That’s what fans were wondering after the episode.
For Nutter, the scene wasn’t really about that. “I think Euron, he’s not paying that much attention,” Nutter said.
Read an interesting fan theory re: Drogon it seems quite credible, am sticking it in spoilers below as it isn't personal speculation I've come up with aside from comments about why it makes sense and it cites the next episode preview which some people don't watch:
The theory is that Drogon is actually female and that when (s)he disappeared for several episodes she was actually pregnant.
There is some evidence that supports this - the first bit (which is quite compelling) is hiding in plain sight in the intro sequence for each episode this series, if you look closely we can see a large dragon and three smaller dragons on the wheel.
The other bit of evidence is the funny sound and the look on Euron's face from the preview, Euron has of course seen Drogon before so why would he be alarmed this time...
So could it be that because there are now three smaller dragons he's not going to be able to shoot at them so easily and they might well be able to just destroy all the dragon shooting crossbows.
edit - additionally at the beginning of the preview Danny is at Dragonstone... which I guess answers the potential question of "WTF even if there were three juvenile dragons across the sea how did they know where to go to find Danny & Drogon" I guess Dragonstone being the Targ ancestral home gives a sort of explanation whereas having them just randomly turn up at Kings Landing would be odd.
I guess this then could mean either then three small dragons, or indeed Drogon (once the crossbow threat is eliminated) could then go ahead and destroy the red keep/throne room leaving it as per Danny's vision all those episodes ago.
Their careers should honestly be over. How you can justify just giving up on the biggest show on television and still find work is baffling. Maybe they'll prove me wrong in the next two episodes but I doubt it. Sad part is a poor reception to Season 8 could kill any hopes of getting a fully realised World of Ice and Fire.
I’m still enjoying it, its not bad by any means I think it just needed more episodes. It’s going to be no where near as bad as the way they ended ‘Lost’ .. that left me fuming
Read an interesting fan theory re: Drogon it seems quite credible, am sticking it in spoilers below as it isn't personal speculation I've come up with aside from comments about why it makes sense and it cites the next episode preview which some people don't watch:
The theory is that Drogon is actually female and that when (s)he disappeared for several episodes she was actually pregnant.
There is some evidence that supports this - the first bit (which is quite compelling) is hiding in plain sight in the intro sequence for each episode this series, if you look closely we can see a large dragon and three smaller dragons on the wheel.
The other bit of evidence is the funny sound and the look on Euron's face from the preview, Euron has of course seen Drogon before so why would he be alarmed this time...
So could it be that because there are now three smaller dragons he's not going to be able to shoot at them so easily and they might well be able to just destroy all the dragon shooting crossbows.
edit - additionally at the beginning of the preview Danny is at Dragonstone... which I guess answers the potential question of "WTF even if there were three juvenile dragons across the sea how did they know where to go to find Danny & Drogon" I guess Dragonstone being the Targ ancestral home gives a sort of explanation whereas having them just randomly turn up at Kings Landing would be odd.
I guess this then could mean either then three small dragons, or indeed Drogon (once the crossbow threat is eliminated) could then go ahead and destroy the red keep/throne room leaving it as per Danny's vision all those episodes ago.
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