Winter Is Here - A Dance With Dragons

Has anyone else read the Theon chapter in the interwebs that was cut from DwD?
If it's going to be in the next book then it doesn't seem to fit with the continuity of the story.

Something else I can't quite get, why would Ramsey Snow send a message to Jon at the Wall anyway? I can't see what he has to gain from it, is it just because of Mance being at Winterfell?
Sorry to post in this thread. Not about Book 5, but about the TV series.
Can't remember what you mean, tell me in the other thread please
For Squark:
I was talking about the scene where he does his face changing trick and gives Arya the coin, and of course Valar Morghulis. This then leads on to her trip with The Dog, his death and her trip accros the sea :). Significant for both characters I think.
I thought you meant that, though you said 'several characters' which threw me :)

I guess he'll give her the coin at some point, it'd be very strange if they skipped that out as it's rather important to Arya

I'm sticking with my Azor Ahai theory
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I don't care too much for spoilers myself, so I've been reading through this thread, while I haven't reads the books yet, I have a few questions, forgive me if I sound stupid :p

I'm getting that there's thought that Jon Snow may be a targ.
Is Danny the only targ that doesn't burn (As in the show, maybe that's some added stuff?) as you see Jon burn his hand.

As the whole Danny not getting burnt stuff confuses me.
Dany not burning was apparently a one time magical event due to the birthing of the dragons. Targs aren't fireproof or disease proof, several died in a great plague and many more died in the great fire at summerhall.

Also, Dany burnt her hands in the last book. If Jon Snow isn't a Targ then I'll eat my hat.

Targs do seem to be a bit more heat resistant though. Egg never seemed to sweat, Dany likes really hot baths and Jon seemed to actually like the heat of the fire when he killed the wight iirc
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Has anyone else read the Theon chapter in the interwebs that was cut from DwD?
If it's going to be in the next book then it doesn't seem to fit with the continuity of the story.

Something else I can't quite get, why would Ramsey Snow send a message to Jon at the Wall anyway? I can't see what he has to gain from it, is it just because of Mance being at Winterfell?

It wasn't cut from ADWD, its a sample chapter from TWoW. It takes place before the last few Jon chapters. At the end of Dance Jaime has been missing for several weeks but we'll likely have his POV start from when he goes off with Brienne. My point is that the chapters don't always follow chronologically.

Ramsay is a nutcase and if he has defeated Stannis and took his sword, which I highly doubt btw, he will want to kill Jon Snow next and the letter may have done exactly what he intended - lure Jon south and force him to break his vows. Ramsay is quite cunning remember although we haven't seen much of it since clash.
Don't want to read it but would he be in a position to know? It's not like the producers would have told him as it would effect his performance. Maybe speculation on the actors behalf!?
So did anyone read the massive spolier Alfie Allen gave in his interview with Vulture?

It sounds like one of the prevailing theories on
Jon Snow's parentage
that's been floating about for some time. (I don't even think that needs spoilers)

Don't want to read it but would he be in a position to know? It's not like the producers would have told him as it would effect his performance. Maybe speculation on the actors behalf!?

I think he was told by GRRM himself. Also, the producers/writers of the show do know somethings regarding the future of the books, simply so they don't bugger up the storyline for the show by killing someone who turns out to be amazingly important.
Don't want to read it but would he be in a position to know? It's not like the producers would have told him as it would effect his performance. Maybe speculation on the actors behalf!?

The link doesn't work for me, but I googled it and got an article on LA Times.

He asked GRRM himself, and if it's the right interview then I wouldn't call it a spoiler at all, more of a teaser. Certainly not a 'massive spoiler'.
That's good to know. In a lot of cases where a massive secret is revealed about a tv character its kept from the actor in question so not to affect his performance and tip off the audience in some subtle way. Mind that been said it will have to be revealed in the books first sooner or later!
Unless Martin is playing again (not impossible after Brienne) then it doesn't matter who Jon's parent(s) are/were.

Having just finished this book, a couple of thing struck me:

1) I've had to start again from the beginning now as this book showed me how much I've fogotten. I always much prefered the main civil war stuff, and really didn't care for the Wall and Dany stuff. I still don't, but it means that I've forgotten a lot of the other plot lines.

2) The original plan by Martin was to end the story at the end of Storm of Swords, and then start the story again at the beginning of Winds of Winter. The stuff in between would be told as back story. Now, having read the two books Martin was forced to write by fan pressure, I'm wondering: did the story get changed as a result? There are a couple of important plot developments which seem too big to be just thrown into a book, even after a five year gap in chronology, but maybe not. But it would be ironic if Martin did not finish the series, because without the fan pressure to write Crows and Dragons he would probably have been nearly finished now.

I think he was told by GRRM himself. Also, the producers/writers of the show do know somethings regarding the future of the books, simply so they don't bugger up the storyline for the show by killing someone who turns out to be amazingly important.

You mean like how they already have? :)
I am about half way through A Feast For Crows, but I am terribly bored and not sure I can continue, frankly it's a tedious read.
Parts of A Storm for Swords were like this, but it picked up and had some good parts.
Would I be missing anything, by just reading a few book spoilers for AFFC's and just starting the next one. It's all Samwell, Cersei and Jamie, and they not particularly interesting characters at the moment.

What are your thoughts, is this book worth passing over or does it contain too much to skim and move on. Would I lose the gist.
I am about half way through A Feast For Crows, but I am terribly bored and not sure I can continue, frankly it's a tedious read.
Parts of A Storm for Swords were like this, but it picked up and had some good parts.
Would I be missing anything, by just reading a few book spoilers for AFFC's and just starting the next one. It's all Samwell, Cersei and Jamie, and they not particularly interesting characters at the moment.

What are your thoughts, is this book worth passing over or does it contain too much to skim and move on. Would I lose the gist.

You're probably not going to like ADWD either then.
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