Winter Is Here - A Dance With Dragons

If Dany doesn't end up back in the Seven Kingdoms at some point I'm going to be frigging annoyed. I think she will though - young Griff has arrived too early and will likely end up suffering a ghastly fate.
People tend not to walk away from a knife wound to the stomach though, like you, I don't believe this is the end for him just yet. He'll either be brought back to life by Mellisandre or return from the dead like Coldhands.

Speaking of pointless plotlines, what the bloody hell was the point of Quentyn Martell other than to let loose the dragons?

I mayhabe posted that a couple of page back. The most pointless waste of print ever! I'll spend 2/3 books introducing a character I will kill off pointlessly! *yawn* pathetically bad! I almost wept with how pointless his book contribution was! They could have turned 500 wasted pages into 1 paragraph, never mind a chapter, and do a better job than the penis up it was! Rubbish! :(
I really dont care for Dany, so meh.

Doran Martell will go nuts over Quentyn, so i think it's an important plot piece.
Finished last night, didn't really see Jon's death coming which was really annoying, maybe he's not dead though.

Hoping Drogon burns the khalasar to bits, as unlikely as it is, it would be awesome. Dany might form some sort of alliance with him though.

I really hope Barristan doesn't die. :(
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Definitely not dead, his body will be stuck in the meat storage room and he will live in ghost until he is reborn as Azor Ahai. That is the popular theory anyway.

Dany really needs to get a move on and get a boat to Westeros though. I'm sure everyone is sick of reading about Mereen.

At least we have the tv series whilst we wait for The Winds of Winter.
I know what you mean, I haven't liked any of the ironborn chapters (except Reek). It also seems a bit unlike the author to have the dragons suddenly become obedient after blowing a horn. I'd imagine the horn does something else when blown but it would be a good way of getting the story going if Victarion steals the dragons and Dany gives chase :p
I would be disappointed if he turned out to be the real deal and became king. I hope he is a fake targaryen or dies unexpectedly perhaps of greyscale. Otherwise he is just an aragorn character which is a giant cliche.
Tyrion seemed convinced when he worked it out of his own accord.
Jon will be reborn, bran will speak from the trees, rikkon will have to return as the stark of winterfell at some point.

What confuses me is the letter from bolton to Jon. Who gave reek to the banker? Someone who was waiting for Stannis? Waiting to fight? How come reek didn't show up at the battle is Stannis attacked Winterfll in a movement of utter folly.
I find the northern battles odd, and wish for the desth of more Freys.
Also we have had three separate instances where they have aluded to the ned start and jon snow past history.
Once by the crannog children in relation to thentournament their father entered ' did your father never tell you this story?'
A second in relation to someone who shared a wet nurse with jon snow, but i fail to recall who it was but again ' did your father never tell you this story'
And then barristan selmy in his musings recalls a lady who gave birth to a stillborn! Then threw herself upon the rocks

Have i the third instance mixed up with another birth? Dd the woman think her child dead? Yet snow alive?
The reed children ask Bran if he has never heard that story since it was heavily implied that the mysterious knight of the laughing tree was in fact Lyanna and it was at that tourney where Rhaegar first spotted her.

Edric Dayne told Arya that his wet nurse, Wylla, was Jon Snow's mother. Ned also tells Robert that Wylla was Jon's mother. Edric tells Arya that Ned loved his Aunt (see below) but had to marry Catelyn after his brother popped his clogs.

The third woman is Ashara Dayne who supposedly threw herself into the sea after having a stillborn daughter. No body was found though and I believe it was mentioned that she was a great swimmer... Quite a few folk seem to think that she is in fact Septa Lemore who has been teaching "Aegon".

The banker tells Asha that he found Reek outside Winterfell where (iirc) Mors Umber was banging his horns as he expected to find Stannis there. I think the letter was only partially true since the Boltons would have surely reclaimed Reek if Stannis and co were defeated.

Also, I'm now sure that Aegon is a Blackfyre (probably Illyrio's son) and not a Targaryen. All of Varys' actions are explained rather nicely if you assume this.
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I thought they shared a wet nurse, rather than the wet nurse being his actual mother?
I need to reread bits.

Explain the good of the realm in accordance with Varys actions?
Isn't he working on the basis that Rhaegar in all his reading found prophesy for the forthcoming winter to be the war of fire versus ice, and realised he would have to become a warrior to lead his people (in his case he came too early rather than late)?
Or am i putting too much store into his reading if books whilst young?

I need to reread my backgrounds on Blackfyre and the links to Pentos.
Edric Dayne and Ned claim that she is his mother however I'm positive he is actually Lyanna's son by Rhaegar. There are clues all over the books once you look for them.

You are assuming that Varys was telling the truth when he said he worked for the good of the realm whereas its much more likely that he is a blackfyre supporter who wanted rid of the Targaryens and install a fake Aegon as King who he could manipulate (mummers dragon after all). He also fueled Aerys' paranoia and distrust of Rhaegar which ultimately led to the Targaryens destruction. There is also the fact that he sent Selmy to Dany instead of Aegon which is a bit strange. Selmy slew the last blackfyre pretender.

Rhaegar changed his mind and decided it was Aegon who was the prince who was promised not himself. Remember Dany's vision in the house of the undying in a clash of kings. Rhaegar's son being the song of ice and fire and a blue rose growing in a wall of ice :)

I think it'll turn out that Jon will be the PTWP and so Rhaegar was right about it being his son, just not the one he thought.

You should check out the forums over at its full of discussions about all these things and home to some really crackpot theories as well.
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Very interesting indeed, so he was a stark, but by a different line, his mother not his father.
Sent to the wall as thats where he will be needed.
So very very interesting.
Does the red witch know this? I already assumed she will do a berric on him and bring him back.

Re-read the series over the past month or two and it irked me even more over a second reading, such promise! It feels a little dragged out now.

The constant ressurection of chracters is irking me a bit as well. We know Ned's brother is back again now (the dead chap north of the wall) Caetlyn is back and I wouldn't be surprised to see Robert and Ned ride up with an army made up of the dead of the war so far! :rolleyes:

I will still be picking up the next book like an excited kiddie but he has hit a Jordan patch now (my own term for a great series going dross) and I hope he can recover without needing to drop dead like Jordans series did :p

I would like the next book or two (however many it takes to finish) to pick up like the first few books were before the nosedive. They were fast paced, intricate but at the same time packed with action and interesting events. The last few have been intiricate and full of intrigue but it seems to be like that for the sake of being like that. Seriously the last book could have been half as long and a hell of a lot better for it!

Roll on the next book though in 2019! :p:D;):D
I agree that the last two books have dragged quite a bit however I think its set up quite nicely for the last two. I really enjoyed Dance and loved all Jon and Reek chapters. Feast was the low point for me.

I would be disappointed if Jon comes back as zombie-Jon. I'm hoping he is either badly injured and not actually dead or has a Dany type rebirth in fire.

I don't think anyone in the book is supposed to know save Howland Reed who I'm sure will make an appearance in the next book. Mel doesn't know since we get her point of view chapter and she still thinks Stannis is the main man. There is an interesting line in her chapter which goes (paraphrasing) "I pray for a glimpse of Azor Ahai and Rhllor shows me only Snow" Capital S ;)

I hope he only takes two years to finish the Winds of Winter. Looking forward to the second series of the tv show :)
Mel doesn't know since we get her point of view chapter and she still thinks Stannis is the main man. There is an interesting line in her chapter which goes (paraphrasing) "I pray for a glimpse of Azor Ahai and Rhllor shows me only Snow" Capital S ;)

I was behind my mate reading it and he rang me the second he had read that bit screaming down the phone and spoiling it for me. He's obsessed with Jon being bingly bingly reborn or whatever it's called :p
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