With a bit of luck

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I know what will make you feel better.

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Woahh guys although this is pretty funny, some of you are being a bit harsh, he is still a human being! Seems like a lot of you must have got bullied at school and have to resort to the Internet to bully people as you probably lack the confidence to do it face to face.

Going to his house and watching him? Wtf is wrong with some of you?

You can ask a Don to close this thread if you want.
i used to be suicidal, and now i might as well do it for good, why not? you guys have f-in destroyed me, and if you tell Jade, I WILL DO IT!

NO, NO, NO, NO, NO! You have to wait till tomorrow dude! This thread is my nights entertainment!! :eek:
Woahh guys although this is pretty funny some of you are being a bit harsh, he is still a human being! Seems like a lot of you must have got bullied at school and have to resort to the Internet to bully people as you probably lack the confidence to do it face to face.

Going to his house and watching him? Wtf is wrong with some of you?

You can ask a Don to close this thread if you want.

i missed the staking bit :/

Thats a bit harsh, but if you read back i think it is all well deserved.
ffs, do you guiys know what it was like to be bullied day in day out at school, and then on the streets, i even tried killing myself, allthough i couldnt do it, i might aswell do it at OCUK shop, to make more of an impact!
ffs, do you guiys know what it was like to be bullied day in day out at school, and then on the streets, i even tried killing myself, allthough i couldnt do it, i might aswell do it at OCUK shop, to make more of an impact!

gonna strangle yourself with a wireless mouse?
ffs, do you guiys know what it was like to be bullied day in day out at school, and then on the streets, i even tried killing myself, allthough i couldnt do it, i might aswell do it at OCUK shop, to make more of an impact!

no you won't you're just being a fool, real depressed people don't say stuff like that.

Stop trying it on ;)

some of you are being a bit harsh,

He did threaten members though.
Penis cake, lol. I still stand by my initial post - he has been truely owned but I think it has been taken a bit far.

Arron - I think you should apologise, leave, and never post on an Internet forum again. You seem to have problems and should see someone about it.
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