With a bit of luck

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As someone who swings with the criminal underbelly of Crewe, you should know that you don't have the power to "forget it", "bury it" and start over.

You've set the gears in motion and you are along for the ride.

From the people at fragit (clan/internet cafe from what i gather)

HISTORY OF AZAB aka "Magpie", "Reaper" and "*******"

Aaron started coming to games nights at FragIT, afaik, after Verity bought some supplies from the supermarket where he worked. Being somewhat of a gamer and stalker type, he decided to become a regular and all was good. Eventually he gathered a reputation for being a bit slow (about the time of the Pvt Pyle haircut iirc). Eventually he saved up enough money from his amazing job at FLAMIN GRILL OMG THE MELLORS to buy a new computer, and just copied the hardware from people who knew more than him. Eventually he became a running joke in the shop for doing idiotic things, on and off computers and stopped coming. Except that he still fagged up* the forums with idiotic car threads.

We naturally found the OC drama to be hilarious, except for the excessive stalking of Verity. Slightly questionable bebo pic aside, she deserves no internet attacks and is a genuine member of F!T (unlike Aaron.) She also had no interest in him at any point.

Aside from that, carry on ;)

*I had permission from a genuine gay to say this, please don't hate.
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