With a bit of luck

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She is a right ****, filthy girl licked my bum hole.
you wanna meet me in person, and then say that to mine or her face, you wont have one left!

What, a bum hole? Are you going to destroy his arse? Are you in to that kind of thing? No wonder you couldn't get it up for the hambeast.

AHAHAHA :p Comedy. :D

i never said i cant fight, roughly 3/4 of my school were scared of me, i was soo unpredictable, using tables, chairs, and steel rulers to fight with...and bare knuckles...

Brilliant. I can imagine you saying that, and the like that gif of the squirrel which suddenly turns to the face the camera (anyone got it?) going "and.. *turns fast* bare knuckles".
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you guys really are thick ****s she dont work for Regis, and she dont work in Crewe!

and i cant remeber mentioning her name either, so..
just a random thought, what would you ask the manger?

hello is jade there?

if asks why/when she answer

"I'm calling from the STD clinic at Leighton Hospital, and it's been raised with us a current partner of yours has oral and genital herpes"

"omg who"

"I'm sorry we cannot give the patients name, however he informed us he did not wish to tell you and as such it is our duty to do so."

Somthing like that

And besides we know you're in crew it says on your xfire page

Username: azab35065
Nickname: Reaper
Location: Crewe / United Kingdom gb
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Gaming Style: Assassin
Real Name:
Occupation: Farmfoods
Hobbies & Interests: PC Gaming, PC Gaming, Jade, Building things
About Me: im me, Reaper, thats it
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