Wladimir Klitschko V David Haye....it's on!!

29 Jun 2011
They hate Klitschko's for their pale skin they can't stand that the fact that some Eastern Europeans have dominated the heavyweight for so long. No one say's they're the greatest but they but credit is where credits due.

18 Oct 2002
Completely, the speed of the jab is something that you clearly need to be on the end of, not just watch. Hence why I think that a rematch could bring a different game plan from Haye. He will have had first hand experience of the task at hand.

SO whats his gameplan going to be, his original gameplan was, get lucky with a knockout blow, its ok I'll have plenty of chances because he's slow as crap.

His next game plan is that his only chance, won't work because his opponent is faster than he hoped.

He went old school on Wlad, sorry, I meant to say preschool. You know when the weak kid decides to stand up for himself against the school bully by running at the bully, head down, and blindly throwing his right overhead as hard as possible without looking at all? Yeah, that was what Haye did multiple times in that fight. That literally is bottom of the barrel, completely, theres no one left to go. He tried everything he was capable of and resorted to something a 5 yr old decides is a good tactic.

Hell that might have worked against that unmoveable giant idiot he beat, but not against a pretty decent quality, if unspectacular, Klitschko.

Haye has no particular skill except he's general had fights with people hugely slower, or weaker, he's up against someone as fast, as strong, with better defences, a real jab and actual boxing skills.

He needs, a new trainer, a new tactic, a new style and essentially to learn to BOX not BRAWL, he won't be doing that in a few months.
21 Jun 2006
How would you say their abilities compare to Ali, Tyson, Lewis, Roy Jones Jr, Frazier, Holyfield, De La Hoya, Calzaghe? How do you think they would fair against the heavyweights in that list?

Just because they are at the top it doesn't automatically make then great.

lmao, i said "currently" the greatest/best in the world.

how does haye compare with tyson? remember haye is 6 foot 3, tyson is 5 foot 10, yet tyson knocked out guys much more than 3 inches bigger than him, guys who thought they could just jab tyson for the whole fight.

haye wouldnt even come in my list of top 1000 boxers of all time.

for haye to win, he would need to be fast and explosive, and get inside, i never saw him being capable of that simply due to wlad's tight defence.
4 Jan 2011
Lol it must really hurt you that your 'great black hope' who was in his prime, ready, speedy, powerful, managed a performance no better than all the apparant fat overweight bums just there for a paycheck that had tried before him.

He just got dominated for almost every single round and celebrated when he made it to the end. And you still won't give Wladimir any credit for it? I thought Haye was the one that was about to expose how awful Wladimir was?

Called White mouse, referring to the 'great black hope' when colour hadn't been mentioned previously, lol.

So much wrong with that post it is untrue.
22 Mar 2011
Apparently it's the reason why the pundits don't rate them highly.
Most real pundits or coaches or anyone unbiased DO rate them highly though, which is why Wladimir was the favourite to win and why anyone realistic with the situation, including Haye himself, knew that his only chance was finding a way of landing just 1 big punch.

But most people in the UK or US have, like Emmanuel Steward says perfectly, been brainwashed to think Wladimir is slow, clumsy, no power, etc etc and it must be really frustrating for those people to watch Wladimir shut down opponent after opponent and yet they just can't understand why. And when at last their great saviour of the heavyweight division that comes along with speed and power (which apparantly Wladimir has never faced or been able to deal with), and hype, to destroy the slow eastern european Klitschkos with ease, and yet he gets shut down too and puts on a joke of a performance.

It isn't a coincidence this keeps happening is it?
22 Mar 2011

Tbh if you can't see anything impressive in a 6ft7 man throwing punches with power and balance like that then you don't know what you are looking at, and that is basically what you are faced with if you try to hold ground with Wladimir.
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