Hi, sorry for continuing this thread on longer, and I've kinda hijacked it, so sorry.
I'm just in need of a bit of advice, and didn't want to start a new thread.
This girl I keep seeing, well I don't see her as much as I used to, but I do see her occassionally, most of the time shes with her friends though, and I kinda want to make a move before its too late. So if shes with her friends...what do I do? Will I ask one of her friends? Will I bring her away from her friends? Will I ask infront of her friends?
Also....what do I say? If I just say Hi, then nothing might happen after that...even if she did say Hi back. I was thinking about perhaps saying something like "I was wondering if your single, i've seen you around and I like you" then say something like "can I give you my email address or phone number" something along the lines of that?
Sorry, might seem like dumb things to ask, but I've been with my ex for 2 years, and I just want to get my foot in the door, before I loose my chance.
Thanks in advance
Oh and sorry again about the thread