...Women... Are... Nuts!!!!

Sorry, bit of a long post this.

I've just been having an IM conversation with a colleage at work. The text of which is below...

I'm neither sexist, or at all bothered when I get beat at pool, but check out the text below!! :confused:

You must be sexist. If you weren't sexist, you wouldn't consider one conversation with one woman reasonable grounds for making negative judgements against all women. So you have disproved your own argument by creating this thread.
I thought it sounded very much like she was just joking to begin with, but then you took it to heart...
Women are mad, but generally they have memories that far exceed our own and use it to good advantage, dragging up things we did 10 years ago but have long since forgotten about.
I'd wager she is correct and you did say it.
It's like Mens Own on here.

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