Woolwich serious incident

Fs123 that story is a load of bull. They killed him near the car then dragged him over to the centre of the street and nearly cut the poor lads head off.He was no actor I worked with him. It is very sad people and groups twisting this despicable act to suit there own ends. I held off posting until the official channels released the info.RIP.
why no blood on their jackets? I Know he was killed and moved but none on them except hands the other guy looks clean for such an attack, perhaps its to do with how he died I don't know just wondering.
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I think there is actually a point to made that you can't see any blood anywhere except his hands (or at least from those images).

Seen some pretty nasty things in one of my old jobs...crime scene photos etc and there would be blood splatter all over him if they were really there 'butchering him'. Especially that guy in the beige coat!

I think the rest is BS though. Moving tent, I mean tardis, just lol. :o

They allegedly killed him next to the wall and there is blood all over that place and strewn across the pavement where they dragged him across and onto the roads.
They allegedly killed him next to the wall and there is blood all over that place and strewn across the pavement where they dragged him across and onto the roads.

why no blood on their jackets?

This is the location on google maps.

How the hell do you run someone over between those 2 sets of road signs on the right. Driving up towards the pub

why no blood on their jackets? I Know he was killed and moved but none on them except hands the other guy looks clean for such an attack, perhaps its to do with how he died I don't know just wondering.

Because it's a relatively poor quality still, taken from what I'm guessing was camera phone video, and the jackets are dark coloured in not great lighting?

There are actually a few spots that look slightly reddish and areas that look wet
why no blood on their jackets? I Know he was killed and moved but none on them except hands the other guy looks clean for such an attack, perhaps its to do with how he died I don't know just wondering.

One guys is dripping with blood, what more do you want?

Lets be honest in this day and age when pretty much everyone has a video camera in their pocket it would be very difficult to fake most things.
9/11 occurred before the US invaded Iraq/Afghanistan, as did the Embassy bombings in Africa, the attack on the USS Cole, the previous attempt to blow up the WTC. All the US did to deserve these attacks was to station some planes in a Muslim country... we had done similar and were also at risk.

You are serious???? All America did.... Have you been on Mars for the last 30 years? You obviously have not seen any news, read any papers and lived in a dream world. Go and do some research on American foreign policy before making such naïve statements.

As the outgoing British ambassador to America said on Newsnight a couple of months ago 'Britain is in America's pocket economically and politically'.

The Boston bombing was carried out by a Chechen, this recent attack in London apparently by (seemingly) a Nigerian convert and (presumably) a Somalian.... at any rate neither of them were by people actually from Afghanistan or Iraq rather they were people who simply affiliated themselves with those people as a result of a shared core ideology. Iraq and Afghanistan might have served to anger some and increase the risk of attacks but radical Islam was there already and would still have been. Iraq was a farce tbh... though I don't think that an interventionist foreign policy should be dropped in general as a result of the existence of some radical loonies. That is the main issue - not the foreign policy but these radicals with their particular brand of Islam. In fact aside from Iraq I don't think intervention in Bosnia, Kosovo, Sierra Leone, East Timor, Afghanistan, Libya and Mail was unwarranted.

How many western countries not linked to Iraq or Afghanistan have been attacked like 7/7. None. Foreign policy is the driver. Stop trying to blame the effect rather than the cause.
There are rules of engagement which if not followed incurred severe penalties - i.e. No killing of women or children, livestock, destruction of the environment etc - UNLIKE what gets brushed under the carpet by our glorious governments in this day and age.

Seriously - Go read a book or something and take your uneducated view to the EDL facebook page where it belongs.

Let me get this right, you're somehow trying to make a point here that ancient muslims somehow have some moral highground over the modern west when it comes to war. Almost suggesting that we legitimately target non-combatants and do not adhere to a strict ROE and LOAC. Do you actually think ancient wars were much less bloodier, ruthless and restricted than they are today? Seems the Red Cross and Geneva Conventions were a waste of time if that is the case.
9/11 occurred before the US invaded Iraq/Afghanistan, as did the Embassy bombings in Africa, the attack on the USS Cole, the previous attempt to blow up the WTC. All the US did to deserve these attacks was to station some planes in a Muslim country... we had done similar and were also at risk.

The Boston bombing was carried out by a Chechen, this recent attack in London apparently by (seemingly) a Nigerian convert and (presumably) a Somalian.... at any rate neither of them were by people actually from Afghanistan or Iraq rather they were people who simply affiliated themselves with those people as a result of a shared core ideology. Iraq and Afghanistan might have served to anger some and increase the risk of attacks but radical Islam was there already and would still have been. Iraq was a farce tbh... though I don't think that an interventionist foreign policy should be dropped in general as a result of the existence of some radical loonies. That is the main issue - not the foreign policy but these radicals with their particular brand of Islam. In fact aside from Iraq I don't think intervention in Bosnia, Kosovo, Sierra Leone, East Timor, Afghanistan, Libya and Mail was unwarranted.

Stationing planes there wasn't their only issue, they were angry with the support and backing of Israel and it's brutal occupation and massacres, large swathes of western backed brutal dictators in muslims country, constant imperialistic meddling in these country's etc. Before 2005 and certainly before 2001 the threat to us in UK from these types of attack was next to nothing, the IRA was the main threat.
Because it's a relatively poor quality still, taken from what I'm guessing was camera phone video, and the jackets are dark coloured in not great lighting?

There are actually a few spots that look slightly reddish and areas that look wet


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Just... wow. These "False Flag" conspiracy theorists need their heads checked. I'm sure that poor bloke's family and child think he was a stupendous actor yesterday.

No blood? You can clearly see the blood, and trail. Main pool where they hacked him out, and a trail leading to the road where they dumped him. All in a pattern perfectly correlated to what happened. A lack of visual blood from a distance at the position where the body lies is quite logically due to the fact that most of it got left behind during the attack. As an eye witness described, the guys were "digging and digging" at him -- ie. trying to disembowel him. If they succeeded in opening up his torso, there won't be much liquid left in him by the time they've dragged his corpse from the scene.

Also, making a scene of the multiple positions of forensic tents? One clearly covering the body, and others will be erected to protect other areas of activity such as where the attackers fell (and another eye witness has stated that the second guy's revolver backfired and seemed to take his finger/hand off) and where spent shells from the armed response officers landed.

If you're going to make wild claims like that site does, at least have a basic understanding of procedure and... well, reality. I guess that's what supporters of tripe such as that lack.
Blood pools and settles in huge clumps on concrete, to be that visual as seen on the video... that is a lot of blood to be seen from that height. You couldn't see a 2 litre bottle of Pepsi spilt in Google street view let alone from a chopper.

On an absorbent surface, what you see there is a horrendous amount. It didn't occur on ice or a marble shopping precinct floor.

The guy in the dark jacket did all of the work, the guy in beige was stabbing it seems and look at his right sleeve. Zoom in if you will.

The guy in beige is probably already regretting all of this, he's stopped for a chat with that woman for a start.
Let me get this right, you're somehow trying to make a point here that ancient muslims somehow have some moral highground over the modern west when it comes to war. Almost suggesting that we legitimately target non-combatants and do not adhere to a strict ROE and LOAC. Do you actually think ancient wars were much less bloodier, ruthless and restricted than they are today? Seems the Red Cross and Geneva Conventions were a waste of time if that is the case.

One word - Guatanamo
wheres ur red cross or geneva convention now?
If the community will not police themselves, then i vote for policing it for them. The first step would be to deport all familiy back to there country of origin including brothers, sisters, sons daughters, mothers and fathers of those who protest against our armed forces, commit crimes like yesterday, and no i am not a racist just tired of pussy footing around the issues. There needs to be a line drawn on our own soil and that doesnt mean snooping laws on the internet etc etc.
If the community will not police themselves, then i vote for policing it for them. The first step would be to deport all familiy back to there country of origin including brothers, sisters, sons daughters, mothers and fathers of those who protest against our armed forces, commit crimes like yesterday, and no i am not a racist just tired of pussy footing around the issues. There needs to be a line drawn on our own soil and that doesnt mean snooping laws on the internet etc etc.

Why include cousins, and grandparents, lets not mess about.

It is a ridiculous suggestion.
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