Woolwich serious incident

So the real figure is probably about double that then.

Doubtful, that would mean that there were almost 3m illegal immigrants on top of the existing population and that they're all Muslim. It's a possibility but given you're essentially talking about damn near an extra 1/20 of the UK's population being an illegal immigrant and Muslim to go with those who are Muslim and legally here (immigrant or native) I think it's a trifle unlikely unless you've got a better source than a gut feeling?
Very good article. I am also surprised that this type of incident has not happened more. British foreign policy continually alienates others round the world, even when we are not acting as America's poodle. It was not that long ago that a court case about British troops torturing in Kenya. Also happened in Aden, Palestine etc. etc.

As long as we go overseas and mistreat others some will do the same to us.

Foreign policy decisions often arouse popular anger but it is naive to blame them for militant Islamism :- Ghaffar Hussain

islam is not a normal religion like the other religions in the world, and Muslim nations are not like normal nations. Muslim nations are very special because they have a command from Allah to rule the entire world and to be over every nation in the world. Islam is a revolutionary faith that comes to destroy any government made by man. Islam doesn't look for a nation to be in better condition than another nation. Islam doesn't care about land or who owns the land. The goal of Islam is to rule the entire world and submit all of mankind to the faith of Islam. Any nation or power in this world that tries to get in the way of that goal Islam will fight and destroy. In order for Islam to fulfil that goal, Islam can use every power available every way it can be used to bring worldwide revolution. This is jihad.]

Who do you believe?
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The sad thing is when all the hysteria has blown over in a weeks time, nothing will change. The gov will continue with its bloody and imperialistic foreign policy, Muslim will continue getting enraged, with some nutter trying to do x,y,z, and far right groups growing and causing trouble. Another case of tom, dick and harry getting screwed by men in suits in parliament and the lobbies that influence them. They already talking about pushing through the snooping bill, so the rest of us will lose more of our privacy thanks to a handful group of people.

So stop voting for the 'men is suits'. Nowhere does it say you HAVE to vote and participate in a charade like that. Keep voting for them and you keep enabling them.
Vote for somebody else if enough do things will change, not voting is wrong.

Vote for who? There is no party that represents my views or has a good policy across the board (domestic policy is important too), and ultimately the chair will always be between the tories and labour. I can;t vote for something I don't believe in.

The assertion that militant Islam would not vanish if we did not go to these places is like trying to blame the effect rather than the cause. In some parts of the world where there is that type of organisation it would still exist BUT it would not on the streets of the UK. 7/7 would not have happened, £billions wasted on security measures. Rights curtailed. The list goes on and on.
And confirmed to not listen to anything but what you agree with.

I interpreted my tesco receipt to say that I need to kill someone. BAN TESCO. KICK THEM OUT.

Don't be facetious, you know exactly what I meant by that.

It says it clear as day in the text. LOL

It is totally indisputable.

Go and argue with Allah about it, it's his words... not mine.
Vote for who? There is no party that represents my views or has a good policy across the board (domestic policy is important too), and ultimately the chair will always be between the tories and labour. I can;t vote for something I don't believe in.

Stand for yourself in local elections, its quite possible others will share the same views of you.
Vote for who? There is no party that represents my views or has a good policy across the board (domestic policy is important too), and ultimately the chair will always be between the tories and labour. I can;t vote for something I don't believe in.

They are both the same party. Members leave one and join the other constantly throughout the year. We are being taken for mugs, it's a rich pals club looking out for each other and nothing more.

The sooner people understand this the better.

You are not voting for Cameron, you are voting for the men who sit at his dinner table.
The assertion that militant Islam would not vanish if we did not go to these places is like trying to blame the effect rather than the cause. In some parts of the world where there is that type of organisation it would still exist BUT it would not on the streets of the UK. 7/7 would not have happened, £billions wasted on security measures. Rights curtailed. The list goes on and on.

9/11 occurred before the US invaded Iraq/Afghanistan, as did the Embassy bombings in Africa, the attack on the USS Cole, the previous attempt to blow up the WTC. All the US did to deserve these attacks was to station some planes in a Muslim country... we had done similar and were also at risk.

The Boston bombing was carried out by a Chechen, this recent attack in London apparently by (seemingly) a Nigerian convert and (presumably) a Somalian.... at any rate neither of them were by people actually from Afghanistan or Iraq rather they were people who simply affiliated themselves with those people as a result of a shared core ideology. Iraq and Afghanistan might have served to anger some and increase the risk of attacks but radical Islam was there already and would still have been. Iraq was a farce tbh... though I don't think that an interventionist foreign policy should be dropped in general as a result of the existence of some radical loonies. That is the main issue - not the foreign policy but these radicals with their particular brand of Islam. In fact aside from Iraq I don't think intervention in Bosnia, Kosovo, Sierra Leone, East Timor, Afghanistan, Libya and Mail was unwarranted.
It says it clear as day in the text. LOL

It is totally indisputable.

Go and argue with Allah about it, it's his words... not mine.

Anyone who had any sensible knowledge about Islam would know the Qu'ran on its own can easily be taken out of context. Hence why the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) explicitly stated (with 100% authenticity) to "Hold to the Qu'ran and Sunnah and you will not be lead astray"

Why the sunnah aswell? Because the Sunnah (authentic sayings about the Life of the prophet Muhammad) put the qu'ran into CONTEXT. That is unlike any of the other scriptures out there - We muslims have context.

The context for your little out-of-context google research is actually during a period when the muslims were being severely persecuted, evicted from homes, being burned alive, >insert the most horiffic acts you can think of< by the tribes of the Mecca. After YEARS of persecution, Allah commanded them to finally go to war with them. An Islamic War is unlike your average war of today in this day and age.

There are rules of engagement which if not followed incurred severe penalties - i.e. No killing of women or children, livestock, destruction of the environment etc - UNLIKE what gets brushed under the carpet by our glorious governments in this day and age.

Seriously - Go read a book or something and take your uneducated view to the EDL facebook page where it belongs.
I know that link is a load of rubbish.

I think there is actually a point to made that you can't see any blood anywhere except his hands (or at least from those images).

Seen some pretty nasty things in one of my old jobs...crime scene photos etc and there would be blood splatter all over him if they were really there 'butchering him'. Especially that guy in the beige coat!

I think the rest is BS though. Moving tent, I mean tardis, just lol. :o
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