Woolwich serious incident

Thank you for the honest and thoughtful response. I guess what I'm trying to say is that a stronger representation of what is claimed to be 'true' Islam would go some way to smothering the racial hatred that festers from such incidents from both sides of the fence.

We also need strong leaders that will tackle extremism, as I had said in other posts, the lack of this fuels the like of the EDL and BNP.
Quite a lot of people who don't really know how to execute simple brain functions before posting in this thread, shame.

Been posted few posts earlier, yeah that's my thoughts on it too :)
well that would be a great solution :rolleyes:

Though at the moment it's wanting your cake and eating it too. Please give us everything... by the way we hate you and everything you stand for.

You take and try and integrate and become part of a global community or keep everyone at arms length if this is what you would prefer.

Yeah just saw the hyperlink and went to ninja edit!
Ah, that's why the quote of your post didn't come out. Oh well.

The guy speaks great sense. And the best thing about it is that nothing he says is particularly extreme (compared to some of the drivel in this thread).
no not really I like to keep up with current affairs and fully support my governments policy. perhaps if other countries weren't involved in killing each other we would be getting involved.

Depends on how you 'keep up with current affairs'. If you mean by watching bbc/sky news on the telly (like 95% of the populace), then my point still stands.
You cant just go into a crack house and tell everyone to simply stop being addicted to cocaine.

What makes you think one can simply walk into a terrorist meeting and start telling them to stop wanting to terrorise?

The crackheads will probably lob a bag of needles at you and the terrorists will lob a few bombs at you.

One does not simply walk into...a terrorist meeting.

You want peaceful Muslims to go out and protest to prove how peaceful they are?

Isn't that a bit of a contradiction?

No. It will embarrass those who distort Islam for their own ends. Publicly denouncing what has occurred via a protest would go some way to showing solidarity with the western world. It would also show that a protest by Muslims does not always involve violence, burning effigies and such like thereby eradicating much ignorance and generalisations out there.

Much of the generalised racism today (all muslims are terrorists etc) stems from ignorance and blinkered views resulting from the silent majority who do little to 'shepherd their lost sheep'. Is it their responsibility to do so? That would depend how much they care about public perception I guess. It would certainly devalue many values of the far right.
No. It will embarrass those who distort Islam for their own ends.

What makes you think a person who is capable of beheading a fellow human being without feeling any sort of emotional deterrent is capable of feeling mere embarrassment?
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What makes you think a person who is capable of beheading a fellow human being without feeling any emotional deterrent is capable of feeling mere embarrassment?

When he loses the power of his religious motivation.

Maybe it won't prevent him going out and committing the same crime. nutters will be nutters afterall. but it will stop people from associating it with Islam and thus preventing more racial hatred. While this is a heinous offence, I fear the implications are much wider and that is my whole point. You won't stop extremists. What you can do is stop the generalisations that all Muslims are a ticking time bomb waiting to go off and thereby preventing an escalation of violence and retribution.
Am I reading this correctly, the soldiers decapitated body is in the middle of the road yes?

When the police go in to kill the last guy, you can see the soldiers legs jerking around :confused:

WTF, was he still alive even then? :eek:

nah... Police are quoting 14 minutes before those armed response guys showed up... he very likely wasn't alive at that point.

Also he's not in the video... the legs moving are the guy the police have just shot after he charged towards them
Standard practice to deploy a less than lethal option.

I know it's not really the done thing to say so, but I really wish they'd hit a crucial artery and saved the taxpayer a fortune in forthcoming investgations/prosecutions/prison accommodation etc.
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