Woolwich serious incident

Regular Mosque infiltrations are needed to stamp out this nonsense before the EDL and BNP do. I cannot say i want to see hooligans running riot harming innocent Muslims, however that Anjem fellow could do with a smack and a jail sentence for spreading hate.
I think it is a paramedic vehicle, I think they would be assessing the casualty seeing he was long gone and getting away so as not to escalate the situation before the armed response team got there.
Regular Mosque infiltrations are needed to stamp out this nonsense before the EDL and BNP do. I cannot say i want to see hooligans running riot harming innocent Muslims, however that Anjem fellow could do with a smack and a jail sentence for spreading hate.

do you think the people who do these kind of things broadcast it to there mates at the mosque before they carry out they're plans?
Sod shoot to kill.... beat them to death with sticks like they do in India!

Whack jobs like this should be beaten to death in public... human rights can go take a running jump.

They wanted to be killed by the looks of it to be martyrs.

I am glad they did not give them what they wanted. Let em rot in prison so they can reflect on what they have done.

Fair play to that Ingrid lady. She didn't look like she was taking any nonsense from them, she really stood up to them.
And we don't use rounds that are designed to cause massive injuries.

But the police do use soft points/hollow points, because they don't over-penetrate. 5.56 is also becoming far more common too.

They took them down with Non lethal shots.

Just to clarify; the intention would not have been to cause non-lethal injuries only. It's "shoot to stop", if you die as a result so be it.
But the police do use soft points/hollow points, because they don't over-penetrate. 5.56 is also becoming far more common too.

Just to clarify; the intention would not have been to cause non-lethal injuries only. It's "shoot to stop", if you die as a result so be it.

I agree.

The safety is in the bullet. Anything else is left to chance
Just to clarify; the intention would not have been to cause non-lethal injuries only. It's "shoot to stop", if you die as a result so be it.

Yup, a couple of rounds to the central body mass. You don't want to aim anywhere else because you're more likely to miss/ricochet and by the looks of things there were a lot of innocent civilians in the vicinity. Wouldn't want a stray round hitting one of those would they!?
Muslims Exempt from UK Bedroom Tax for Prayer Room ? IS THIS TRUE? Or a rumour :P

What has this got to do with Woolwich, dare I ask?

It's just a myth propagated by idiots. Racist/right wing propaganda.

A July 2009 This Is Money article, noted:

While it is true that some families have rooms set aside for prayer in their homes, this does not mean they can dodge paying council tax.

I spoke to the Department of Communities and Local Government who told me council tax exemption applies to 'places of public religious worship' – what you might loosely call a church.

I was told that to qualify for special council tax treatment, the building used would have to be certified and there would normally be signs advertising the public nature of the worship going on there.

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In this case we should, 2 men running down the street with meat cleavers, in broad daylight, after just chopping someones head off....if that is not incentive to shoo to kill then I don't know what is, do they have to be carrying fully automatic military grade weapons and be firing into a group of school children before police make the decision to take a lethal shot?

From what I recall, policemen with firearms are trained to aim for centre mass (and not arms, legs) to stop the perpetrator's momentum and to minimise the effect of ricochet (of whole bullets and shrapnel) on bystanders. If the perp dies, its an acceptable risk for a last resort solution when the perp has no intention of giving up to police and carrying on with the crime.
There are also the rules of Self Defence and whatever ROE the police work too. On the law of self defence I'm sure they are quite within their right to use reasonable force. In this case the law on self defence would suggest that the police believed there to be imminent threat to their own life and/or the lives of people around them. This was clearly the case. Reasonable force, considering one of the perps had a gun, would have been to shoot. As already pointed out, training indicates you shoot only aimed shots at the centre of mass.
Somebody will say something at some point, how do you think the radicals were caught last time? Under cover Muslims!

obviously the security forces try there best with whatever means they have to do the job.

I'm just saying it's not 100% possible to catch all these plots.
I'm just saying it's not 100% possible to catch all these plots.

I don't think it took long to plan .... it would've been "hey let's get a gun & knife to do some carnage near the barracks." .... I would guess doing something like this (getting the weapons & driving to the destination) would take less than an hour. This wasn't an elaborate plot at all and more of a spur of the moment crime just like the most number of knife/gun murders in the UK.
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