People need some perspective, this isn't a terror attack. It's just a couple of loonies going mad.
People need some perspective, this isn't a terror attack. It's just a couple of loonies going mad.
about time we kicked islam out of the uk shut down all the mosques too
C'mon man ...
Oh why are the government saying it is? you have new info?
People need some perspective, this isn't a terror attack. It's just a couple of loonies going mad.
Do you have some insider information?![]()
Probably one of the best measured posts I've seen you made. You gotta understand that not everything in life can boil down to 'source of facts'. People have their own experiences, fears and opinions. Am I racist or xenophobic? Not at all. Am I prejudiced? Yes maybe a little. I love other cultures and people but do I want them next to me, interfering with my life or changing my neighbourhood? Not at all. Or rather, not in massive quantities. I don't want whole areas or cities changing. I want to talk about it in a reasonable way without being confronted by crazed, google-eyed apologists that squeal every time the status quo is challenged or questioned.
I hope we can do that in the future. This boy is over and out for the night.
Of course it a terror attack, it's clearly based in ideology. Just because some of the followers of the religion of peace are a little extreme, doesn't make them insane.
Same as the Norwegian guy who blamed a political party for ruining his country and shot up their summer camp, he was sane.
Well the same news you're watching as us says Government "sources" are saying this is a serious terrorist attack.
The government has not come out saying anything of the sort.
............. Cobra has been called .........
They aren't. Show me where they say it is? Cobra has been called as it's a suspected terror attack so has to be treated as one. Whether it turns out to be one we will know later. I suspect it will be but you're jumping the gun.