Woolwich serious incident

To say that you don't like islam, it's politics, it's punishment methods and you don't want sharia law isn't islamaphobic or religious hatred.

I know it's not :confused:
I was directly replying to someone who said it isn't illegal to be an Islamophobic, stating that it could become illegal if individuals start spouting militant anti-Islam/Islamophobic opinions in a public area i.e ALL Muslims are scum and should be deported, Muslims & Mosques should be burnt, Muslims are Pedos ...etc ..etc

Many of the comments here would be dancing on the line of what is acceptable as Free speech and what could be interpreted as ''incitement to racial/religious hatred'. Not that surprising though considering Overclockers has a good few right-wing bigots as members!!
The reality is Britain is at war and has been for the last 13 years. Shocker soldiers die in war, the war just happened to come home.

It's shocking because of the gruesome nature and by the fact people have been shielded from the realities by their tvs and media.

Erm, didn't it come home when the London Bombings took place? They were pretty grim too, people losing limbs...
Exactly, same goes both ways.

What? In which post did I say average men and women need to die in the name of capitalism?

He does speak the truth... are bombs indescriminate? are 'we' more extreme? Do women in other countries see the same? etc etc

Bombs are not indiscriminate.

Neither were you when he said he spoke the truth when he said Muslims are forced to kill average men and children in the name of their religion.

Well it would be nice to have a party which puts the interests of their own people and culture first...

It would be nice to have a party that put the interests of their voting public before their own desires.

Affording that luxury to a right-wing regime like UKIP is an abhorrent thought.
Its not about race, that is nothing but skin pigmentation and i think the majority of british realize this and someone can not like islam but have a muslim acquaintance. Just because i don't want the muslim religion in england does not mean that I want to forcibly deport or harm all muslims. A lot of british are atheists they have past the point in their evolution where they have to put up with civil wars and bickering over pathetic things like covering your face. This is fantasy thinking to the majority of people in this country. Being forced to put up with that kind of culture and being threatened with "racism" and all sorts of non sense when they speak up against it, is a path to disaster.
He was brain washed by a group with a warped view of a religion that reportedly most don't agree with. There is no war just delusional young men who are killing and dying for nothing but stupid ideology.

It is a fact Britain is at war, just because the opposition doesn't have the means of retaliating as per normal war, doesn't change the fact.
Its not about race, that is nothing but skin pigmentation and i think the majority of british realize this and someone can not like islam but have a muslim acquaintance. Just because i don't want the muslim religion in england does not mean that I want to forcibly deport or harm all muslims. A lot of british are atheists they have past the point in their evolution where they have to put up with civil wars and bickering over pathetic things like covering your face. This is fantasy thinking to the majority of people in this country. Being forced to put up with that kind of culture and being threatened with "racism" and all sorts of non sense when they speak up against it, is a path to disaster.

That a lot of British people have decided to not bicker over people covering their face if they so desire is true, and great.

Unfortunately you sound more like you want to stop them covering their face or remove them altogether. Which is it?
They are allies of Afghanistan and Iraq. Like the uk are allies of the United States.

No they are not - they were a pair vulnerable losers who were brainwashed and exploited by some hate preacher to commit politically pointless crimes that are really designed to create division in the community.

Don't be fooled into thinking these hate preachers give a toss about Iraq etc - the politics of it are easy to twist to the simple minded.

Do you really think that if we didn't get involved in any foreign disputes that these people would go away?

IMO the hate preachers are 'asexual paedophiles' abusing the young mentally rather than physically.
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