Woolwich serious incident

Anyone who had any sensible knowledge about Islam would know the Qu'ran on its own can easily be taken out of context. Hence why the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) explicitly stated (with 100% authenticity) to "Hold to the Qu'ran and Sunnah and you will not be lead astray"

Why the sunnah aswell? Because the Sunnah (authentic sayings about the Life of the prophet Muhammad) put the qu'ran into CONTEXT. That is unlike any of the other scriptures out there - We muslims have context.

The context for your little out-of-context google research is actually during a period when the muslims were being severely persecuted, evicted from homes, being burned alive, >insert the most horiffic acts you can think of< by the tribes of the Mecca. After YEARS of persecution, Allah commanded them to finally go to war with them. An Islamic War is unlike your average war of today in this day and age.

There are rules of engagement which if not followed incurred severe penalties - i.e. No killing of women or children, livestock, destruction of the environment etc - UNLIKE what gets brushed under the carpet by our glorious governments in this day and age.

Seriously - Go read a book or something and take your uneducated view to the EDL facebook page where it belongs.

I pity you so much for believing this. To add I also pity any Christian or Jew that would justify their actions/interpretations on thousand year old writings made to make one man richer/better than the next
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You can't be arrested for simply carrying a flag of any description.

At football games and Orange Walks in Scotland, you can be arrested for carrying flags of banned militant groups. These tend to be the ones applicable to Northern Ireland troubles (red hand of Ulster etc)
At football games and Orange Walks in Scotland, you can be arrested for carrying flags of banned militant groups. These tend to be the ones applicable to Northern Ireland troubles (red hand of Ulster etc)

That's understandable, but I mean 'regular' flags, like country flags.

Another thing, why were the BBC so quick to get Anjem Choudary on air following this incident? Surely the last thing any media outlet should be doing is giving this oxygen thief air time? It's utterly stupid.
I pity you so much for believing this. To add I also pity any Christian or Jew that would justify their actions/interpretations on thousand year old writings made to make one man richer/better than the next

I can't find the quote you used. But picking the guy up as well I thought he was making a genuine and decent point until he said a Muslim war doesn't target women and children and follows rules of war. I was wondering which part of the rules involved blowing up buses killing kids and women and flying planes into buildings killing the same types of people.

Nice rules :rolleyes:
I can't find the quote you used. But picking the guy up as well I thought he was making a genuine and decent point until he said a Muslim war doesn't target women and children and follows rules of war. I was wondering which part of the rules involved blowing up buses killing kids and women and flying planes into buildings killing the same types of people.

Nice rules :rolleyes:

thats verse 1!!!!.....kill the women and children where you find them...bring them into heaven with you.

so dont get killed by a terrorist dude...you will be one of his virgins :p
It looks like it was a flag with something drawn on it... so a bit more than just a flag... seemingly one with an Islamic symbol and a line through it so blatantly designed to stir up trouble

having said that - he ought to be free to carry it just as Islamic extremists are free to chant British Police go to hell etc...

One Rule for one and all that.

I bet I would be arrested for burning a Pakistan flag with go to hell on it, but the Muslim across the road burning a British flag with the same - would just simply be left alone.

Not that I would do such a stupid thing..
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lol, what a pathetically one-sided and bigoted cartoon:rolleyes:

And since when did black gangsters/criminals suddenly want to kill white people :confused:
But hey when did facts or statistics get in the way of a good old bit of racist propaganda.

People who honestly think that the cartoon depicts what is actually going on in reality are as deluded as the religious nutt jobs that they despise so much!!
I see Extremists so it is right.

It's not "right", its an exaggerated caricature of a perception people have. It's not supposed to necessarily be a factual representation. People's perceptions often aren't in line with what reality is, but that's half the point of the cartoon.
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