Woolwich serious incident

I stand corrected, it's just that in the circles I move in a drummer is a bloke who hangs around with musicians :)

As do drummers in the armed forces - members of the Corps of Drums in some Infantry Battalions. Its not mutually exclusive - he was a machine gunner and he also has a ceremonial role whereby he marches along playing a drum.
The real people to blame for all this is our over-sexualised society, not the paedophiles who have been pushed to commit these acts.


The real people to blame for all this is our limited drug policy, not the crack addict who has been pushed to commit these acts.

We can keep going like this, shifting the blame, justifying terrible acts, blaming an abusive father or mummy wasn't there. You are responsible for your own actions, even within the context of terrible circumstances.
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The real people to blame for all this is our Zion puppet government not the Muslims who have been pushed to commit these acts.

Thanks for that 'fact'. That might come in useful when I find a way to escape The Matrix in order to liberate the human race from our evil overlords.
7 out of your 9 posts mention the word zion, word of the month?

Hmm, new guy. Only posted in the 'usual' threads that were bumped by the last guy that was permad with a name that was a play on a word similar to Nigeria. His name is Cracker backwards. Obsessed with Zionism... :D

*Scratches chin stubble*
Islam will free the world from their evil grasp. Zionists and their wars have killed hundreds of millions. They are war profiteers who want to control the world, they don't give a damn how many die so long as it's not their own kind.

Does anybody else feel they keep demeaning Lee Rigby by calling him a 'drummer'?
I've yet to hear a news report on the TV call him a soldier.

so what do you want instead? "Hero" "Brave Hero" or all the buzz words which make the public get hyped and bring comfort to their lives.
I like the way people said he looked Somalian.....what does a Somalian look like that they are so distinct from anyone else?

Actually it is pretty easy to tell generally peoples origins from their visual appearance I think if you got 100 people from Nigeria and 100 people from Somalia I could get a good 80% + correct.
Actually it is pretty easy to tell generally peoples origins from their visual appearance I think if you got 100 people from Nigeria and 100 people from Somalia I could get a good 80% + correct.

This. In a similar way to being able to tell if someone is from parts of the Eastern Bloc of Europe (prevalent facial features that stand out, for example).
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