Woolwich serious incident


"I got there minutes after it happened because you could hear gun shots from Woolwich high street, basically two men carried out an axe attack on a young army cadet walking along the street, by the looks of things the police responded and then shot them in front of the public, at the same time I couldn't really tell if the cadet was fatally or not hurt as police were crowded around him."

London Ambulance Service confirms one man was found dead at the scene. :(
Not a race attack. Only stating my opinion.

One of the men was heard shouting "we've had enough". I think that's quite an obvious statement.

I'm not going to stop giving my opinion just because it makes people uncomfortable. This has been coming for a long time now. Unfortunately, we cant do anything to stop it.
Jansey - please can you translate that guy's entire Twitter feed for us? It makes for awesome reading, it makes reading cretinous tweets acceptable.

Personally I think you should be awarded some kind of medal for it, it's superb. :D

It's such hard work :(
Please tell me all the semi-racist / xenophobic replies are just joking...
Great more white victims of diversity. Londons not safe no wonder thousands have fled.

Let's wait for real facts to emerge first. I'm just as sick and tired as you of this multicultural experience but we're civilised humans first before anything else.
I have to say the blood trail is rather gruesome :( A big pool in front of the car and then a trail of what looks like dragging towards where the SOCO forensic tent has just been moved from :( :(
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