Woolwich serious incident

Dont need to. If you lived round here, you would know they are already tarred by the dozens of muggings and beatings they dish out each week.

I live here, and walk around it everyday, not heard/experienced something like this. So can we stop with the exaggerations?

Do we know for sure that the victim was white?
Do we know anything about the attackers? their race, reasons etc?

Something like this is horrible no matter where you live. Sick people are sick no matter the race, colour etc.

Q: there is a police station right around the corner? what were the police doing? Someone could have literally run to the Police Station..

I feel scared now, it could happen to ANY ONE!
It's predominantly the black races that are animalistic enough to commit such an act of violence. It's pretty much the norm in places like Somalia.

They shouldn't even be in this country - shamefully London is a place for foreigners now. White minority and all.

This will be swept under the carpet yet again.
Irrespective of the victim's profession this was an attack by two Somalians on a white male, will the police treat it as a race hatred crime and devote suitable amounts of resources at it?
There is one photo on the top twitter photos that shops a massive blood trail. That is pretty nasty!

I really just can't understand what has happened here... maybe there was some previous altercation and those guys came back and did this. :(
I live here, and walk around it everyday, not heard/experienced something like this. So can we stop with the exaggerations?

No, nothing like this, but they commit a high percentage of crime. They have a brutal gang called the Woolwich boys, who have 200 members just in Woolwich.
Ohhhhh myyyy God!!!! I just see a man with his head chopped off right in front of my eyes!

Oh my god! I can see a man with his head chopped off right in front of my eyes!

Woolwich #se18 whyyyyyyyyyyy!!!! ****!!!! Right next to a primary school!

Why Woolwich (SE18)? Why? **** Right next to a primary school.

Oh my God!!!! The way Feds took them out!!! It was a female police officer she come out the whip and just started bussssin shots!!

Oh my God! The way the police officers incapacitated them. It was a female officer, she bolted from her vehicle and immediately started discharging rounds.

Mate ive seen a lot of **** im my time but that has to rank sumwhere in the top 3. I couldnt believe my eyes. That was some movie ****
My friend, I have witnessed a mammoth amount of faecal matter in my time, and this ranks in the top three. I couldn't believe the sight, it was like a movie.

The two black bredas run this white guy over over then hop out the car and start chopping mans head off with machete!!
The two African brethren ran a white male over then proceeded to decapitate the man with a machete!

People were asking whyyy whyyy they were just saying we've had enough! They looked like they were on sutn! Then they start waving a recolver
"Why? Why" the amazed bystanders protested, having witnessed enough of the barbarian act.

I could have sworn they were intoxicated by the way one of them disarmed themselves of his machete and proceeded to brandish a revolver instead.

Then boydem turn up!! Woolwich feds didnt want it... They had to wait for armed response.. Helicopters everyting...
Police arrived.

Woolwich officers, having been outgunned, were reluctant to intervene and had to wait for armed response and helicopters amongst other backup.

Then thats how u know they were on sutn cos they actually went for armed feds with just two machete and an old rusty lookin revolver
The sheer fact that they decided to engage the armed police officers with machetes and a antique looking revolver leads me to believe they were on drugs.

The first guy goes for the female fed with the machete and she not even ramping she took man out like robocop never seen nutn like it

The first perpetrator engaged the female officer with the machete. The officer, not wanting this matter to escalate any further, decides to kill the man in his tracks.

Then the next breda try buss off the rusty 45 and it just backfires and blows mans finger clean off... Feds didnt pet to just take him out!!
The second perpetrator decides to fire his antiquated .45 calibre, it backfires, severing his finger. The officers showed no hesitation to put him down.

These times i was just going to the shop for some fruit and veg and i see all that!

Can one not simply go to buy some essential fruit and vegetables these days without witnessing all this?
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Are the deleted posts mentioning a possible religious motivation for the attack? I don't think it's completely unwarranted to put that forward as a (fairly likely) motivation.

Incidentally it is sad that the army is seemingly not putting as much emphasis on not identifying yourself as a memeber of the armed forces now there is less of a threat form Irish dissidents. The reality is that there are still other very real domestic threats in this country particularly when large numbers of certain communities are present in a particular area.
Oooh, and another point I would like to add. This incident reiterates my views that ALL police officers should be armed.

Flame me all you like, just my opinion!

I'm not flaming you, but you do know what would happen if ALL police officers were armed, right?
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