Woolwich serious incident

If people were really getting hacked up in the streets every day you'd hear a lot more about it. And don't tell me about media covering it up because twitter was all over this before anyone else, as per the norm.
I agree that British foreign policy is wrong, I agree with him that the Muslim community doesn't do enough to stop radicalisation.

I don't agree that Muslims are the victims.

Exactly my thoughts more so that I think that Muslim communities need to be seen to do more to try and control Muslims who are angry hopefully limiting things like these attacks. I understand that some might come from corrupt teaching but still if you follow a religion that preaches peace this shouldn't happen. I know this comment is a turf thing to just change over night but something has to be done. Hopefully a smarter OCUk then myself will have more understanding and ideas on ways to do this without being silly.
I think this country need to start ethnic cleansing the certain groups that seem to love to cause trouble now.
I know followers of Islam. A lot of them. I consider a couple of them friends.

Could I do that if it inherently did not fit?

Afraid not, Square peg and a round hole, been like this for centuries. We tried but the backward sandy places arnt up for being normal it seems.
If people were really getting hacked up in the streets every day you'd hear a lot more about it. And don't tell me about media covering it up because twitter was all over this before anyone else, as per the norm.


Umm no. Because this wasn't a typical hack and slash. This was politically motivated and the victim was a soldier. Typically the hackers don't crash their cars and stick around giving interviews. Typically the reasons for it are drug or minor territorial/neighbourhood disagreements. Typically these people seal up their wounds with superglue and don't even go to hospital.

This is why you don't know about it. Because it's too minor for the media to report it - IE. nothing of value has been killed in the course of a drug disagreement, but in this case a person of value HAS been killed. Not because there's a cover up LOL

Don't make me laugh, you know nothing about crime in London.
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Like racists and the BNP? I hope that's just trolling and you don't really believe that because you need locking away in a mental home if you do.

Sending people back to there own country for there thoughts and acts would definitely be the way to go.
People who live here and want to have a nice life and live alongside us should be welcome to stay.
However those that are willing to make martyrs out of our soldiers shouldn't be here.
Those that attend anti British protests should not be allowed to be here.
Those that only want to cause us harm should not allowed to be here.

Let them cause trouble somewhere else we spend enough money protecting the world without having to worry about people who live here stabbing us in the back.

Leaving things as they are now will end up in a civil war.
Just imagine all this anger over the death of one soldier "combatant" and times that by 1,000,000 given that is the amount of Iraqis who have died because of Britain’s invasion of Iraq. Just imagine how they feel regarding us.
I know that our streets are becoming more dangerous. That's enough for me to be against immigrant. Are there some good decent foreigners? Sure. But I don't care. We should ban them all. Unless you are highly respected in your respected field. How the hell is it possible for them to come over here and claim our money? Tell me that.

I bet I pay more tax and contribute more to the UK than you do. In fact, I'd bet the same for all of my immigrant friends.
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