Woolwich serious incident

truly horrific thing this is! my faith in humanity is well and truly lost.

hopefully the world might stop for a moment and remember those closest to this, the poor guy and the family around him. instead of turning this into a political debate about one group of people.

Instead of becoming ignorant and erupting into a race war and embarking on a mad witch hunt for a whole group of people, as serious and horrific as these actions are, the actions and beliefs of the person do not represent the WHOLE of group/race/religion.

Ignorance is bliss.
People who live here and want to have a nice life and live alongside us should be welcome to stay.
However those that are willing to make martyrs out of our soldiers shouldn't be here.
Those that attend anti British protests should not be allowed to be here.
Those that only want to cause us harm should not allowed to be here.


So why don't you say the same things about the british government occupying countries in the middle east where the vast majority of the inhabitants don't want you?

How exactly does britain spend money protecting the world? Please explain that to me...please.
Kick them out. That video has made me so angry right now.

As said before in this thread, UKIP get my vote.

R.I.P to the soldier.
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I read of some Swedes who were set on fire by Somalians not long ago.

Bad people, not sure who decided to let them in?

Remember that girl who was attacked in the UK for being white by Somalian girls? deport them, **** their human rights. It ****es me off the way Europeans are treated by these people, we let them in our country so they can have a better future and what we're rewarded is with rape and death. It's no wonder so many thousands have fled London.
Just imagine all this anger over the death of one soldier "combatant" and times that by 1,000,000 given that is the amount of Iraqis who have died because of Britain’s invasion of Iraq. Just imagine how they feel regarding us.

You do understand that the vast majority of those deaths were Iraqi on Iraqi religious sect violence right?

Umm no. Because this wasn't a typical hack and slash. This was politically motivated and the victim was a soldier. Typically the hackers don't crash their cars and stick around giving interviews. Typically the reasons for it are drug or minor territorial/neighbourhood disagreements. Typically these people seal up their wounds with superglue and don't even go to hospital.

This is why you don't know about it. Because it's too minor for the media to report it - IE. nothing of value has been killed in the course of a drug disagreement, but in this case a person of value HAS been killed. Not because there's a cover up LOL

Don't make me laugh, you know nothing about crime in London.

Jansey give up. We all know you can get hold of a mac 10 within 3 minutes in London. ;)
You do understand that the vast majority of those deaths were Iraqi on Iraqi religious sect violence right?

You do realise that wasn’t the case before the invasion? And that the vast majority of them were killed by our forces directly or indirectly through disease/illness/lack of water/infrastructure since we destroyed it all.
Just imagine all this anger over the death of one soldier "combatant" and times that by 1,000,000 given that is the amount of Iraqis who have died because of Britain’s invasion of Iraq. Just imagine how they feel regarding us.

LOL they were happy enough when we got rid of Sadam ! Trouble is they have short memories.

enoch was right !
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