Woolwich serious incident

The Muslim Council of Britain says the killers' use of "Islamic slogans" indicates they were motivated by their faith. A statement from the council says: "This is a truly barbaric act that has no basis in Islam and we condemn this unreservedly. Our thoughts are with the victim and his family."

I don't believe them. Actions speak louder than words.
The Muslim Council of Britain says the killers' use of "Islamic slogans" indicates they were motivated by their faith. A statement from the council says: "This is a truly barbaric act that has no basis in Islam and we condemn this unreservedly. Our thoughts are with the victim and his family."

They say it has no basis yet it's what Islam COMMANDS. They aint fooling nobody.
They weren't soldiers... they had no link to Afghanistan other than a shared belief in a magical sky pixie - the fact that you, a Muslim, can somehow empathise with this and compare it with a situation that isn't even remotely comparable is quite clearly part of the problem we have in the UK. Its not just the extremist Muslims but the people like you who seek to semi-justify it along the lines of murder is bad but... (insert semi justification).

I'm not empathising.

It's not comparable because your hypocritical nature is getting the way.

You don’t have to be a part of a recognised military unit to commit out acts of war. They themselves have aligned themselves with Afghanistan and Iraq by the very reasons they gave which were; basically your troops are doing the same in "our lands" which i would hazard a guess at meaning Iraq and Afghanistan. Just as the UK aligned themselves with the United States, the UK is not the United States and was never attacked by either the Iraqis or Afghanistan prior to the war.
The Muslim Council of Britain says the killers' use of "Islamic slogans" indicates they were motivated by their faith. A statement from the council says: "This is a truly barbaric act that has no basis in Islam and we condemn this unreservedly. Our thoughts are with the victim and his family."

Yep. All true.

Did you have a problem with any of it?
Have you people not read your bibles? This world is going to get much, much worse. It's all leading up to the final battle of Armageddon. It may seem crazy, but the bible goes hand in hand with current world affairs.

No. I don't own a bible. I'm not religious. And I'd much prefer it if you didn't try and force religion upon us.
I'm not empathising.

It's not comparable because your hypocritical nature is getting the way.

You don’t have to be a part of a recognised military unit to commit out acts of war. They themselves have aligned themselves with Afghanistan and Iraq by the very reasons they gave which were; basically your troops are doing the same in "our lands" which i would hazard a guess at meaning Iraq and Afghanistan. Just as the UK aligned themselves with the United States, the UK is not the United States and was never attacked by either the Iraqis or Afghanistan prior to the war.

They also spoke about "our troops" and "bringing them home". How do you decipher that?
I wasn't attempting to appear superior I was attempting to get an opinion out of someone instead of a stupid throwaway pseudo-intellectual one liner.

If that were the case then a simple question would have been more appropriate than a smug reply that simply comes across as an indirect insult.
Pretty much sums it all up:


Can hardly move in my local Tesco's in Leicester with the amount of KKK in there.
If you believe that the two can go hand in hand (that religious beliefs are somehow rational) then that is your problem more than anything.

Of course they can. I did some critical thinking when I was younger and came to the conclusion that a god did not exist. But using my critical thinking skills I also saw that I was assuming that everything other than myself did exist and therefore maybe I should be a little more understanding of people who assumed everything other than themselves existed and was created by someone. You see my critical thinking saw both as acts of belief, totally unprovable and such massive a priori assumptions to base everything else on. Therefore, I saw my viewpoint as not fit to challenge there being a god but that my time would be better spent challenging people on how they follow their god.
Many of the world's greatest scientists are religious. Some people can have both religion and critical thinking in their life. (I'm an atheist, but i don't have a problem with anyone practising their religion as long as they aren't a dick about it)

I actually find militant Atheists more annoying that militant religious folk, because at least the religious folk aren't trying to convince everyone of their intelligence by repeatedly trying to educate people on scientific principles they don't understand. :p

The straw man twitter feed.

Shhh, I was being facetious :D

No, he was literally wheelchair bound.

He used to go out of his way to scratch vehicles if they had the temerity to park on the path (whether they were in his way or not).

He really wasn't worth the free membership here.

Wow, that sounds like one hateful individual. Some people really do have a hard time getting over their disabilities and let it rule their lives.
Another thing I have to wonder about is what made them snap? They are clearly of african stock, and there was that large strike by the french in north africa... Have to wonder about that I guess, it's not like the media will be presenting any atrocities that were? commited over there.
Please, tell me more about how other religion's texts are followed to the letter and yet you don't follow yours to the letter?

I follow Christ. I've never gone out to deliberately harm anyone.

And anyway, when was the last time a Christian went to an Islamic country and hacked a Muslim to death? Even if it did happen, you certainly couldn't justify it using the new testament.
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